Boycott OWL Stage 4 if it runs on old patch

Please join me in sending a message to Blizzard and the OWL that this is an unacceptable viewing experience. Casual players want to see the highest form of play on the game they are playing. Not the game they were playing two, three months ago. Stage 4 displaying an outdated meta, no matter how masterfully they do so, is not something I am interested in wasting my time on. I hope others agree and the viewership of the next stage reflects that. I wish best of luck to the OWL, and hope they make better decisions in the future.

There is a good article over in the Overwatch Wire at USAtoday. Google the following if you are interested:


But I support Blizzard’s decision to stay on the old patch.

As Monte pointed out, no major esport runs on current live patch of the game. This is to be expected.

Plus, there might be issues with the current live patch of the game that we as players are not aware of.

If the OWL sticks to the old patch (which they seem to be doing), it’ll be for good reasons. Trust me.


I like that low key /s you have going on. :stuck_out_tongue:

Its going to be even more of a grind without the new hanzo, literally nobody is going to die.


They do the same thing with HoTS.

Why I stopped watching those “pro” games.

They NEVER had to deal with nerfs, or adjustments that screw over the NORMAL players ranking and season.


It’s so great to see a badass play, then go to try and do it yourself…only to find its LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to do now, because patch.


which patch is stage 4 going to run on? if there is no brigitte then i am not interested


That would be the last patch wouldn’t it?

No Brig.

Which means the players are hot garbage, and have no ability to adapt.

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I’m kind of fine with watching the old patch being played, to be honest. This instalock 6 hero restrictive meta isn’t fun to watch either. Were it remotely balanced I would advocate current patch but with the live state of the game being utter garbage I’d rather just watch the old patch.


The USAtoday article goes more into this, but League of Legends requires 7 calendar days of a live patch before they allow it in competitive/professional play. Blizz will have had two weeks to fix the kinks, and new hanzo has been on the PTR for a while. It is my hope that Blizz/OW can at least live up to the standard set by Riot/LoL.

Oh, no, no, no. I am going to be there, popcorn in hand. I cannot wait to watch and see just how bad it is for myself. After about a week, I am sure that most people will just naturally boycott it out of boredom. So I would not worry too much about that, fam.


Brig patch will be OWL, the question is only if Hanzo patch is going in.

Good point. If every team is going to be playing the Six heroes over and over, it wouldn’t be enjoyable to watch.

I personally couldn’t care about what happens in OWL, however I’m curious to see how Brigitte is handled if Brigitte is a playable hero.

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It has to be or else we’ll have 8second Scatter arrows.

Wait, really? That sounds even worse. I really don’t want to watch a strict 0 DPS meta. rip

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Brig will be there, but in pre-nerf form. also no reworked hanzo


Yes, thats the current thinking. They have not said officially yet, so…I assume no Hanzo.

Which is blindly stupid, because its not like the pro’s have not been grinding Ladder games, they know whats coming.

I’ll enjoy seeing a Brigitte with insanely broken hitbox in OWL, it will truely show the viewers how bad Blizzard is actually doing when it comes to balancing and hero design. I’m honestly surprised they are doing it this way to begin with, it’s madness really.

Sad reality though is that I’ve had much more fun watching EU contenders than watching the actual OWL which I barely view now.


I’ll be watching and I never expected them to have patches within a season. I’d expect any major patches for OWL to happen between seasons.

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If #comicsgate has taught me anything it’s that you can’t #boycott something if you weren’t going to cott it in the first place, boy or no boy.

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