I gotta say that unfortunately I’m not a fan at current. Being a support main I’ve felt the sting of 1-3-2 pre-roleQ, and pretty much nothings really changed about it. It feels really stressful trying to keep one tank alive, and once the one tank is back at spawn its basically a domino effect with no chance to recover afterwards.
I really, really hope that this never hits live. Its really not fun.
I’d like to try it and see how it feels.
1/3/2 put a lot of pressure on me as a support main to focus on our tank and neglect the DPS
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This prob is the most liked comment i’ve seen recently that ain’t in a collective thread.
At least there’s a bunch of players that are still open minded unlike the children that screams “I don’t like, remove!”
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Someone Call the Whambulance
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This. I could tell just from reading the patch notes that 132 was going to be support hell, and I was right. It’s almost worse when you’re a DPS because there’s just too much to worry about. “Where’s the widow? and the mccree? oh there’s a rein hitting me with a hammer. and the mercy is rezzing someone” lol
Solo tanking is fun if you’re good at it. That’s my takeaway from this post.
I tried it and …OHHH BOI it sucks… and bad… i prefer much 2-2-2 for playing with an allied tank… now half of the time i wait for the time that get instakilled because there are no sponge for damage.
If this go live i will yeet from ow and cry a little in the corner.
Having spent my day in the mode to get the Ashe skin, I can safely say. This was a garbage awful experience. Tanks end up doing most of the legwork because DPS players seem to think they’re the ones that got buffed and just stagger the team horribly. Had a guy whine that it was hard to DPS while on Hanzo ffs. Even sitting on Mercy the prefered DPS healer I can say nothing was getting killed and when it was it was the tank doing the work, mainly Zarya. If you have a weak secondary healer you’re screwed gg it’s over. So expect more healer players to drop the game if this stays. Every tank I came across said how much they hated the mode that it just felt like a massive burden.
So yea try again Blizzard cause this ain’t it sis.
IMHO i’d prefer 2-3-1 over 1-3-2.
a single tank can not stop 3 dps for long.
a single healer can heal ppl even alone (not ideal but at least ppl dont die casue only tank dies)
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a single healer can heal ppl even alone (not ideal but at least ppl dont die casue only tank dies)
No single healer can heal all 5 teammates including the healer.
Zen has no way… Mercy with those 50Hp hardly can sustain someone. Bap is not viable for all dps compositions (pharah, genji, tracer). Moira is good only for deathball…so does Brig and Lucio, and these last two doesn’t provide much healing.
The only healer left is Ana… but the fact that she can be countered with dive easily and her only way to recover healt is using a nade…
Most healers will require a rework and it won’t be a fun role to play.
Actually placing the burden to one person is not fun at all. That person would always be blamed to switch, to play X character and so on… Things should stay as 2-2-2 or just remove 2-2-2 completely and let people decide the composition.
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Yup, did exactly that. It’s trash.
fine, then boycott it
The order is important though
and they shouldnt be allowed to.
AoE healing at primary heal lvls is bad for a game (it makes u have no "who do i heal for best payoff?) as it remvoes all choice.
my point was a solo healer can heal dps and 2 tanks easier than 2 heaelrs could 1 tank and 3 dps.
tanks reduce dmg taken by magnitudes.
and i didnt say solo heal and keep every1 topped off.
they can heal dps while tanks take dmg, then heal tanks.
not ideal, but it IS better than 2healers tryign to keep 1 tank up and rest of dps due to how fast ppl would die moment tank falls.
except before 2-2-2 healers were use to solo healing xD
nothing new to us support mains.
we do our job to the best of our ability.
and that makes it 1-4-1 like it was b4 2-2-2.
I found the DPS player who is salty for waiting too long in queue lol
I agree the buffs are not enough to compesate for the 3ps damage and if the run any bs like reaper mei sombra and you dont have a zarya to bubble you a dva to peel it just makes tanking no fun
also as a support player it makes zen,lucio moira bap brig all unviable because your team will be to spread out to accomplish anything and you will get easily dived with out a Dva peel
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It is a hammond but as the other tanks you are just opening it up to a comp of reaper mei sombra and junk all on one enemy team like jesus christ
Jeff said that the game wasn’t built that way and they weren’t able to make it work probaly would be hell for already laggy console servers
I completely disagree, tanks feel like raid bosses now with the buffs. theyre completely capable of solo tanking. It also negates the stupid Goats like comps.