Boycott 1/3/2 - solo tanking #neverAgain

I definitely agree the games were boring, win or loss. Ut was honestly just who could pump out the most damage… Or in my case “who switched to Mei first?”


I really think the only people who are enjoying this are those who are poghunters and people who want to play competitive/qp like its deathmatch, tbh :frowning:


I enjoy the teamplay aspects of 1/3/2.

But i’ve had good teams to work with when I lfg.

Solo queue 1/3/2 is a bit messy and annoying.

To be fair though, our Brig yesterday was definitely pog hunting.

Thats more/less what I noticed too, that teamwork is the cinch for the mode, but even then, the fact that outside of stacks teamwork isn’t guaranteed… I played in a team, we kept winning, but it was just…boring. We rolled every match.

I wonder if like a… 1-1-2-2 could work? 1 Tank, 1 Flex, 2 DPS, 2 Healer. The flex could play either tank or DPS depending on what’s needed? but the forced 3 DPS just feels… bad.

Says the silver LMAO

I don’t play my PC account.

any action that implement s solo tankning as the norm and not just as some arcade mode is gonna convert a lot of tanks to DPS probably lol


As a tank main I wouldn’t boycott it for us but rather for the supports. That’s the harder role in experimental IMO.

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It’s straight up awful.


How’s the boycott coming along?

Well, it didn’t work. The devs already said that it helped queue times. So, clearly we didn’t stay out. But I still don’t think it’s good data though just because it’s everyone rushing to try out the new thing. Maybe if it was up for a couple months then you’d get a real reflection of player behavior.

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Solo tanking is agonising only if the other team has 2 tanks which work better.

If both teams have 1 tank though, it’s fair and balanced. So yeah, let’s try this out first, and see how it works before we rush to conclusions.


I think it worked in the sense that it reduced dps que times for 2-2-2 as well.

I sure as hell hope they don’t implement it, but I´ll be glad if they keep adding wacky experimental modes that help reduce 2-2-2 queue times.


It’s a forum. People don’t use them to sing praises.

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i don’t expect people to praise blindly either mate.

i just wish people would use the forum to complain with more constructive criticism, instead of brigading people to boycott something they haven’t even tried yet (the experimental card hasn’t been released yet when OP made this post).


Yeah it’s something I didn’t think about until I tried the stronger tanks in 1-3-2 (and watched Cyx’s stream of it too). He/You pointed this out and it stuck to me.

Zarya, Rein, Winston are so brain dead strong that in a lot of match-ups there’s like no way you can die/lose a team fight just based off you existing.

Like with Zarya all I had to say was run in, bubbling in 3-2-1 and blam, we’d pretty much auto win that fight unless there was a couple Ults to stop us.

It was BORING.

but in order for a single tank to work that way (with their current designs) is for them to be so OP.

Update: I decided to try it when I realized that the boycott, much like Fetch, wasn’t going to happen.

Here are my opinions.

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omg who remembers this… crazy…
its interesting to see with hindsight how this played out now

looking at this from a 1/2/2 perspective is pretty interesting

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It’s funny. I really really hated solo tanking in OW1 pre-role queue. And I hated the 1/3/2 even more than that. I really truly expected to completely hate 5v5 too. I’m really shocked that I like it. I did not think I would given how deeply I hated this experimental card.

Some of the problems still exist for sure, but having one fewer DPS and having the supports being able to stay alive a bit better really helps. God help us if they ever nerf tank health or remove the support passive.