Bots in the ranked games

Why are there bots in ranked games?
I don’t mean aimbots or bad players, I mean real bots, pretending to be players.


There aren’t.

You probably just some wemps deranking accounts.

No, no. They were real bots.
In particular, there was a Mercy, that from the moment you went out, she would latch on to someone and follow them.
If you stopped, she stopped. You would take a little step and the next second she would take a little step… she never flew. She’d get killed and she’d retrurn to the team and hook onto somebody again…
They were completely mechanical movements.


They are in unranked as well; Behaving exactly like the bots in vs AI. I wonder if Bliz is padding the queues or players are making bots to farm… something?

are you by any chance silver?
I’ve seen quite a lot of people deranking accs with bots in high bronze/silv/low gold

Yes, as supp (i start recenly to use them) i am silver and there is where I saw the bots.

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Yeah it’s really annoying esp if there’s 4 on your team… remember to report them for hacking/deranking.
I hope you have better luck in future games!

I’ve noticed this in QP. All tanks, for some reason, or perhaps I just don’t notice it when it’s one of the squishies. At first I thought they were just throwing, but there were no emotes/voice lines or any of the usual signs someone is memeing, their behaviour was just bizarre. Spectating from their view, they move and look around like they’re playing on a tablet, and one tank was apparently incapable of strafing.

Actually saved a couple replays if you want to watch them:
T5NH89 (Mauga on red team)
SV84SK (Orisa on red team)

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They are used by the account sellers to level accounts to a comp ready saleable level.

They are legit bots playing the game automated.

They need to all get banned fifthwith but Blizzard never take any action against cheaters, exploiters etc. unless they are actively impacting server performance.

I was just thinking the same thing.
Is blizz backfillin groups with AI bots…to fill groups and…to keep you 50/50 BRO!

They aren’t bots, it’s desperate people trying to make money through account selling. The game being free means just about anyone with a computer can begin deranking and selling accounts.