Bots are being used in qp to compensate for rivals

mainly support bots, and turrent heroes torb illari sombra sym are being used as bots.

you can see from their behaviour its not human.

the bots are also being designed moronically that they scale difficulty if you stop playing, so if i dont contribute they do well.

if i do well they suck.

putting fake 5 -4 endorsements to these bots wont make them human.


Funny thing is i noticed this in MR qp :sweat_smile:

In my first 10 or so games. Here some things i noticed.

  • teams would do absolutely nothing and play separately, walking in 1 by 1 feeding. Even grouped, they’d all shoot different targets. Holding ults. Until near overtime where 2-3 would come together as one unit, full focus firing targets one by one and capping point. When I say one unit, I mean they’re walking the same AI pathing.
  • Saw 2 bots side by side walked up to the spawn door and stare at it the entire countdown. Then they walked exact same path side by side and focus fired the same enemy in the first fight.
  • Saw 2 bots walk out of spawn on the same path up the stairs, can’t remember what map it was KotH. The map where there is water surrounding the point and you can fall off the map on one side…
    So the stairs near the spawn room on either side lead upstairs to a dead end but you can break the wall to get through. They both walked the same path, stood next to each other at the dead end wall and started breaking it together at the same time, while the rest of the team walked main.
  • Saw a low HP bot walk backwards directly into my Loki heal totem as if he knew it was there all along. He wasn’t shooting so why tf was he walking backwards and why did he know exactly where to go xD

The first situation, I saw in multiple games not just one. The next were more specific seen in one game. ‘Players’ switched from utter bronze noobs not knowing what they’re doing, to unified pro’s walking the same bot-like path in an instant to teamwipe and cap the point in OT.

This stopped after like… 10-15 games. So I wonder if they put bots in your first games to try teach you how to play under pressure or something?

OR more likely, like a casino… The first games you play are designed to make you struggle but win so you get hooked.

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ya probably geniuses at blizzard decided to copy the worst feature from marvel rivals to pad their resumes for next job.


It’s pretty easy to notice too because their movement gives you that uncanny valley feeling. As you notice something’s not right. Like Mark Zuckerburg’s face.

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Hey Nerf are you still seeing bots?

I just realized another possible reason for them to use bots…

So Acti-Blizz has that patent, that talks about putting veteran players in lobbies with newbies to try make purchasable items look cooler, to sell them.

Well back in S7 when Moira got her ridiculous $70 Lillith skin. I wondered… Who TF would buy this?

The first few days I actually saw about 6 Moira’s in Lillith skin. Like… 6 different people getting this skin? And they’re in MY games? Nah. What are the chances.

I personally saw a Lillith Moira steal the potg from my Zarya. Zarya had all 5 in her grav, and got 4 of the 5 kills from her grav. Genji got the 5th kill. PotG goes to Lillith Moira who didn’t even ult, she healed for the first half of the potg and threw dmg orb into the grav later lol…

I also saw 2 clips that week on Noobhunters channel showing Moira stealing potg’s and Noobhunter asking “what is this bug, why are so many Moira’s stealing these potg’s?”

Activision be trying to sell those skins.

SO possibility. Bots may be used to wear the shop skins to show them off, so players will think they see other people buying them, and be more likely to buy them.



There are no bots being used in QP.

It’s simply not happening. There’s no evidence of bots in QP being a thing either.

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I got two tank bots on OW2. It was the weirdest match ever. lol. As mentioned before, I can confirm MR also uses bots.


I dunno man. I have so little trust and faith in Activision that anything is possible to me.

I saw blatant bots in my first MR games, using AI pathing. Dialing up and down the skill and value of them in an instant. Going from bronze lost ants to aimbot coordinated unit when overtime hits. So i now know games have the technology to do it.

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Bad players are not bots.

You will run into bad players, you will not run into bots.

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Are you a dev at Team 4?


No I’m just flat out telling you.

Do you really think if bots were replacing players in QP that people would be quiet about that? Every Overwatch YouTuber would be talking about it, showing video proof. Every gaming news website would be talking about it. It would be blowing up on Twitter and other social media platforms.

But it’s not… It’s only being talked about here, by people with zero credibility…

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The easy way to confirm they’re not human is to watch the replay from their PoV.

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Okay, but seriously, there are bot games in Mahvel. It does not matter if most people are so dim that they have not noticed. They still exist, familia.


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No bots in OW appearing in QP games. It’s not happening.

I can’t speak for Marvel Rivals, I don’t play it.

Again, if bots were being used to fill in for QP players, this would be talked about by everyone. It would have blown up Overwatch discourse and used for fuel in countless “Overwatch is dying!” threads.

This isn’t some grand conspiracy where it’s so secret that no one talks about it because if they do they get labelled a nutter or get merced by the government or corporate goons. If bots were really in QP games, we’d know. Not because some “genius” with zero credibility said so on the forums, but because people with actual credibility would be covering it or at least they’d be mentioning it.

If I had to take a guess, the person making this thread is either trolling for attention, or they have Streamer Mode turned on which replaces all player names with names that Blizzard generates and they’re playing badly. So they claim it’s a bot.


That’s more or less what I mean. It’s not widely discussed in the Mahvel community either, let alone by “credible” people. Albeit, I believe our definitions of that might be entirely different.

To be clear, I do not believe there are bots in Overwatch lobbies. In fact, on my alt account in Mahvel, I have encountered players worse than bots. Don’t ask. My tests take me places. To that end, I have never uncovered anything quite like that in Overwatch. I believe the issue is that people do not understand how horrifically bad a player can truly be.


Yep, it’s likely just bad players they’re running into. When your game is free, you will run into a lot of bad players in those lobbies.

That’s what I suspect people are running into. Bad players, likely who have copped a ban so they’re endorsement 1 and can’t chat, and if they have streamer mode on they’re also seeing generic names which could be confused for bots instead of actual player names.

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“Shut it down! They know.”


Options are. People using scripts to automate gameplay.
Someone actually being that bad.
Someone multitasking stuff in real life that keeps them from playing properly.
Account sharing with someone who’s bad (explains the higher endorsements)

A blizzard bot would choose a human player to follow around. Struggle to pathfind (especially if their human stands still. They’ll keep walking the same exact path back and forth next to them).
Aimbot, with really janky and laggy looking killcam when they aim at you.
And blizzard bots change characters when they get killed a few times these days. If these bots don’t swap after dying 3 times, they’re not blizzard bots.

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Bots are real in Marvel Rivals. But bots in OW2? Like real ai bots? I haven’t seen this. Wheres evidence?

It seems that Marvel Rivals does like Paladins for the first 5 matches for a new player, with and against bots. To not scare newcomers.

I don’t think Blizzard is at the same point as Hi-Rez who is forced to fill with bots the empty servers of some of its games that have failed so that the few players who still come to play them can do so.

The only bots I have encountered in Overwatch are in the training mode against AI or custom games, never elsewhere.