Boosted bronze to diamond question

Say a Bronze account were boosted to diamond but the bronze player had never achieved a rank higher than gold. When playingk on the diamond account, the bronze player would surely de-rank to their actual rank. My question is — even with the account back in bronze would the matchmaker match the bronze account with more difficult teams because the account hd been in diamond?

no, since the mmr is the thing that would fall, and sr is the last of the two to reach his actual rank, he would be playing against people of equal mmr.

oh, and I just took a look at your account on omnicmeta, and Im beginning to feel like this isnt just a hypothetical question… (please forgive me if Im wrong)

If you cant kill me, you are simply too slow!



Thanks Matt. I appreciate your answer. And you are forgiven. :+1:t2:

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Don’t do this. If u deserve to be diamond then u are diamond, if u deserve to be Bronze then u are bronze. Boosting to get a shinier icon is not worth it. Play comp to get better at the game to get better aim to understand the game more in a team environment. Don’t play to get boosted. All u would do is get boosted and then ruin sooooo so many games for the ppl that get matched with u while u slowly fall down to ur original rank again which is bronze.


considering that approximately three of the twelve players in any given game are playing at their “true” rank because of boosters, boosted players, derankers and smurfs, none of this matters in the slightest

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True true but think about it, with so many higher ranked players artificially playing in lower ranks (throwing to bronze and wrecking games) isn’t it fitting that lower ranked players (who have resources like a top 500 friend) get boosted and wreck games on the way back to their true rank. Call it reverse smurfimg. Call it justice or revenge but I think we’re going to see this as a thing. There is the nice tidy game that jeff kaplan directs and there is messy, disorganized game players make it.


what a egoistic way of thinking is that? true smurfs are trash and should somehow be taken care off by blizzard but this reversed smurfing is gonna f*** up so many innocents that finally got to X rank and are so close to hitting Y rank but then boom u got boosted and are in that game as a bronze and suddenly u are a big gatekeeper that ruins the big opportunity for so many of those skilled players. do u think being a gatekeeper is any better then smurfs? atleast smurfs try to win games sometimes.

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How can the limited matchmaker put a true value on your team work with said booster?

Truth is it cant thats why this team based game is bad at placing groups.

Basically if u smurf in bronz you will play other smurfs in bronze about your third win at max. And tjis is your elo hell

Just like how those same exact skilled players are ruining games for the innocent bronze players who cant get better because they are getting wrecked by people who should be far FAR higher in rank. Thats his whole point…

I agree. The high road is the best road.

Where are these numbers from?

I think it’s divine retribution, some bronze player fed up with smurfs and throwers — being spawn-camped so some smurf sporting a Shanghai Dragon’s player icon can get a brag-worthy 500 elim record — and so gets themself boosted to Diamond or above in order to smash up the furniture on the way down. Sounds like the villagers picking up pitchforks and torches. Just saying.

Lol pathetic. You should spend more time improving your own game. Waste of time.


So the way you want to hurt those who hurt you, is by hurting other innocent players?


No no no, I’m not referring to myself. This is a hypothetical statement on smurfing. That is all. Not literal. In a literal world I fully agree with you.



I would rather lose against smurf than lose with boosted player.

In many cases you can somehow deal with smurf by flexing to counter him or atleast you can learn from him something. But dealing with someone who has bronze skill in plat for example is just horrible. That guy will not be just dead weight for your team, he would be actualy helping to enemy team because of his bronze mistakes.

Boosting is the worst thing.


Yes my friend this is possible indeed. The matchmaker look at individuals performance and creates “fair” matches off of this, regardless of tier. You could be in bronze and playing in some gold tier caliber match. You can play master tier and it feels as it is platinum tier. I am telling you, platinum to mid master all feel the same, there is almost no difference.

I had a low plat friend get boosted to masters by t500s. He fell straight back down the next couple seasons.

With regards to your point, he would initially be placed in higher tier bronze games, but eventually would find ones of the same rank. MMR is based on how long you play too.

This idea is entirely contradictory to everything we know about matchmaking, which strongly suggests that MMR and SR are essentially the same unless you are Diamond+ and have suffered from SR decay. (Small MMR/SR differences are possible from leaver penalties also, but you’d be season banned before they could add up to even half a rank).

How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 16)