Because you have good instincts apparently. I looked into this guy’s post history. Here’s another one of his posts:
Seriously, Mods, lock this thread.
Because you have good instincts apparently. I looked into this guy’s post history. Here’s another one of his posts:
Seriously, Mods, lock this thread.
you live in a garb… err I mean the greatest country in the world…
This is true, the police in developed countries are way more respected and not out murdering people for no reason in military equipment like in the US.
Report the players doing these things and punish them, but you don’t punish everyone by removing the skins. The skins themselves are not problematic, the people are. Removing the police cars from Fortnite is basically a publicity stunt, it doesn’t actually solve anything, but its turning bad PR into good PR.
Police Brutality is a thing, and its awful. But the Police aren’t inherently bad. They are SUPPOSED to serve an protect everyone, equally, without bias. Black Lives ABSOLUTELY matter.
I get where you’re coming from asking them to remove the skins, but that’s not the issue here.
Besides, Brig and Dva are both heroes. They’re the good guys. One is a Support, and the other is a Tank, they’re there to protect your team, like they’re supposed to.
It absolutely sucks that people are doing this. Anonymity brings out the worst in people on the internet because they don’t fear any consequences. Don’t punish everyone for their bad behavior. Report the players who do this, and they will get banned.
Try to be strong, and brush it off. They’re not worth worrying about. They aren’t worth getting a reaction out of you. You’re better than them. You absolutely matter.
So, Japanese and European cops aren’t cool?
But removing a police skin is EXACTLY what these racists want.
This is not punishing them, this is punishing EVERYONE ELSE for removal of a South Korean Police themed model pack. This is like removing Soldier 76’s military uniform because you don’t like what the Russian military is doing in Ukraine.
This is exactly what the racists want, for you to hurt yourself in the confusion then laugh their butts off on a website that welcomes/tolerates racism about how “I made a corporation hurt themselves and their playerbase by doing what I always wanted to do! I’ll still be racist just without that character mdoel”
Punish the racists, don’t punish anyone else.
The police aren’t friendly or fun to encounter. They are dangerous and it brings back my police violence trauma’s.
The police in my country (NZ) are fine and I feel safer when they’re around. Overwatch is a globally available game, I don’t care for your local events influencing my experience.
This topic has been closed since it went in an unconstructive direction.