BLM: remove the Brigitte and Police Skin

Yes because removing a skin from a game will solve racism :roll_eyes:

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This is downright dumb. Don’t go about generalizing the police force and make assumptions about them because one country’s police force has problems with systemic racism. Grow a head.

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If the US has a problem with systematic racism in the police force, every country has problems with systematic racism in the police force.

Why the hell is this thread still alive my gosh. This is a game jeez… Just not the place

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You know? I agree tbh

Because this problem also exists IN THE GAME!

How hard is it to read my OP?

DELETING an ingame item just because a single random guy used it for racism purposes doesn’t make sense. Report and next game, like with any other toxic behavior. That’s the way to go, if you are not agree don’t even take your time to convince me that what you say is right

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I hope humanity will end soon.

in America, they are by definition because of the system they swear to uphold. ACAB for a reason. outside America, who knows? I’m not educated enough in foreign affairs to tell you.

yeah man show those american cops what for by getting rid of swedish and korean police while also ignoring the literal robot cop hero


how about we remove BLM instead?

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It seems difficult but I could see us moving past it at some point. Either the stakes for human survival is so high that race no longer matters or we defeat income inequality and barriers for education.

They seem like impossible tasks but I’m sure if we all set our minds to bettering our society instead of focusing on personal gain we just might get there.

whats next remove soldier 76 because soldiers kill people. in what world is removing police from videogames gonna end racism.

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Honestly though, it seems alot of people don’t realize #BLM is most assuredly doing more harm than good when it comes to ending racism.


Stop trying to remove skins just because BLM. Overwatch isn’t played in america only.

Dva is korean and brigitte is swedish. Korean police and swedish police aren’t doing any brutality to their citizens. Idk for fortnite police car, maybe they removed it because it is an american police car.


I don’t know what you’re on about, the police literally work with them a lot of the times, lol.

Please just let us enjoy the game… I’m tired of this whole political correctness thing…


Listen to me. Listen well.

This is a video game. Stop trying so hard to insert political stuff into video games.


The police are more wary of civilians in the US because all US citizen are allowed to carry guns.

That’s the main problem.

So when US police sees a person they about to apprehend reaching into their pocket they’re are trained to shoot before they can be gunned down.

Other country police where people aren’t allowed to freely carry guns, the police are more relaxed in apprehending bad guys, shooting is only used as last resort, not first response to hostility.

Wow, hilarious, my post got flagged for saying that BLM has no place in a gaming forum.