Blizzards naming restrictions?

Hahaha that’s amazing

Well while Dick is a legit name, the word/name I meant is not korean (Its not Dick too) and is used in korea to name you-know-what.

I believe you can name yourself Pikachu though

Apparently, the use of the name “Dick” is on shaky ground. Dick can be a respected name as long as you don’t behave like a “dick”.

Hahaha :rofl:

This is a rare thing, and I can identify curses-tag only for my native language. I think the problem was manifested with the advent of many new players.
Im report them usually.

Theres no way thats the issue. My IGN is related to at least 5 famous characters from cartoons, movies and other video games(most of which I learned from other players in the game), and ive had no issues and a quick player search on overbuff will show you that theres tons of players named Pikachu in this game.

I really have no idea why ‘‘Pika’’ would be unavailable in anyway.

Clearer guidelines need to be given to the players.

Do your character references relate to the sale of ANY products in ANY way to stimulate sales?

It may be more complicated than that… It could be the creators of “PIKACHU” don’t want their “VERY PRECISE” patent to be violated.

yes. Most notably Mordecai and Rigby toys and merch a cartoon network cartoon.

And even if it wasnt it still would be considered irrelevant considering that Pikachu for example is a name that a lot of players in this game have.

There is totally an animal called a Pika so I doubt Nintendo realistically can hold a reasonable copyright on “Pika” in the same way they probably can on “Pikachu”

Well… Considering that Blizzard probably logs “everything” in theses forums it will ultimately be up to THEM if they want to enforce the game policy. Who knows…maybe they already struck a deal to ALLOW you to use those cartoon references. Say a small percentage cut? :wink:

lmao, yeah, no. thats not how that works.
The OPs issue is clearly not a copyright issue.

My name is simultaneously:

  • The name of a setting in a series of books by a very well known author.
  • The name of an asylum used by one of the best-selling comic book companies of the past 80 years.
  • …literally in the name of a trilogy of best-selling Batman games.

I doubt it’s copyright related.

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Yeah and i see people named after foodchains, movies, and famous cartoon/disney/anime characters all the time so :sneezing_face:

Whatever is reported enough times as bad, becomes bad in Blizzard’s book.
It’s prob because “make kanto great again” …
So most likely this stuff

and then this stuff

[you may see similarities to something called “maga”]

It “offends” certain group of people over at twitter and instagram and few more …

I’m actually surprised we can still use :ok_hand: on this forum :man_shrugging:


I tried changing my username to “PaladinsSanpai” the other day and my Account got perma - banned automatically…

perma banned?? thats excessive. I hope you opened a ticket to repeal the ban?

Lmao that was a joke… :rofl::rofl:

maybe nintendo own the trademark on pika. its what pikachu says so maybe they want to own that word.

Points at own nickname

Ninetales is best pokemon.

EDIT : Sorry for double post.

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