Blizzard's latest announcement: Refining Hero Pools and Retiring Map Pools

That’s only because ppl who do like it dont see the need to spam forums telling ppl how much they like it.

Blizzard themselves have said its had a more positive response.

I for one have not seen that so-called positive response in any great frequency anywhere online, so one wonders where it comes from for Blizzard to claim as such.

As I noted previously, hero bans seems to have a primarily negative response online, and not just here on these forums either.


Well I think it’s already clear you’re only going to “see” what you want to see.

I see what’s posted and published online at a variety of locations, from here to Reddit to Youtube to social media and more, and while I’ve seen some positive responses to hero pools (such as your own), I’ve seen far, far more negative responses.

All the more reason why I find Blizzard’s claim that it’s had a positive response to hero bans quite spurious.

Also still waiting for you to provide proof of these “many ppl” who like hero bans that you previously claimed.


Every 5 mins someone in general chat types out variations of “#firethedevs” “please lay them off”, “SAME MAP AGAIN COME ON” and “#herobanssuck”. To be fair, you also see spam about Moira, egirl memes, and the N, R, or V words (V is Valorant).

Every day there are another umpteen posts about how bad the game has become. On reddit, twitter, and twitch, same sentiment.

Where is all the “omg blizz amazing ty for banning what i have fun” where is all the “omg thx devs long queues are really good”. Where is the “great direction guys, top notch job” - Where is all that sentiment?

Do you really think they would admit fault?


I didnt know you can make that many team comps with 4 or 5 dps heroes.

Yes they would admit fault otherwise there would never be any changes.

Where are the posts praising the game? No idea they are more then likely too busy playing and enjoying the game.

You do realise ppl who post in forums and reddit etc is a very small portion of the total playerbase right?

Humans are drawn towards getting their own way. You just believe no one likes it because no one writes posts about how happy they are that they got their way, they’re just very happy and that is all. For all the people that did not get their way, they want to fight for it. They begin complaining and attempting to change it back. That is why you see a lot more fighting against. I can guarantee you that over 50% of the playerbase enjoys it. If you don’t believe me, hold a survey by just asking people in a bunch of different comp matches.

You made the claim that there were “many ppl” who like hero bans but you have yet to provide any proof to back up your claim.

And yes, these forums are a small percentage of the total player base, but these are not the only Overwatch discussion forums online.

You cannot guarantee any such thing unless you’ve surveyed the entire player base.

I do ask people in every match I play on Xbox and I’ve yet to find a single player in those matches that likes the hero bans. Not a single one. Every player that’s responded has spoken against hero bans.

Oh I guess I have to back up my claim but you dont with yours?

Ok great logic there.

The forums and reddit has all the proof you need but like I said before you choose not to see it.

You made the claim that “many ppl” like hero bans, so the onus of providing proof is on you.

I’ve not made any such claim. I’ve only spoken about what I’ve read and heard.

From what I can see these forums and reddit have more posts against hero bans than in favour of them.

Here are some examples of negative posts:

And that’s just from the last day in the Competitive Discussion forum.

I actually cannot see a single thread from the last few days in that forum that’s in favour of hero bans.

Again, please provide proof to back up your claim or it’s just speculation on your part.

Yet you will see ppl replying to those threads defending it.

As I said before ppl are more likely to cry about something on the forums then praise it.

Hence why 95% of all posts on the forums are ppl complaining.

Where’s the proof to back up your claim of “many ppl” liking hero bans?

Or are you going to recant that claim?

You seem to be forgetting that negativity is spread more than positivity.
You dont see people talking about that one really great shot caller they had or that one really good tank duo, nah you see it from the losing team, that tank duo are obviously boosting and the shot caller is 6 stacking.

What you see on forums and social media is a vocal minority and in no way should be considered to be the voice of the majority. Especially when you’re asking for evidence to disprove your unbelievably one sided argument.

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Exactly this.

20 characters.

You keep avoiding providing proof to back up your claim.

Seems more and more that it’s a case of not able to provide such proof so your claim was indeed 100% speculation.

Generally positive feedback ? My friend I’ve played the game with for the last two years left mostly because of that. Another friend I brought back to the game and who’s trying to lean rein, won’t be able to play him this week. Forum posts, reddit and in-game feedback has been largely negative.

After what, 3, 4 years ? Blizzard still doesn’t understand that people just want to play heroes they have fun with. They don’t want to be forced to flex or play other heroes. Repeatedly preventing them from playing what they like is pretty much asking them to go away. How hard is it to understand, even for someone with zero background in game industry ?

I’ve yet to see a valid argument in favor of heroes ban. Diversity ? Go play tank or support and enjoy your diversity. No more meta ? New artificial meta decided by Blizzard every week. Good for them, no need to balance anymore. Also great that people can never adapt, will surely improve games quality, right ?

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Is it people or just people in the top play? But let’s say that people DO like it, how would we know? You see more complaining about hero pools than you see people actually enjoy it. I get it I get it, people who complain are apparently in the minority and blah blah blah it doesn’t represent majority of Overwatch players, but then how have they been listening. Can you be honest with me, where is the overwhelming support for hero pools? in fact a lot of people tend to not play comp for a week if their main or hero is banned.

But since you said that then do me a favor. When you play comp games, ask the people in them games whether or not if they like hero pools. If you can do that and give me a sample size of about 50 to 100 people that’d be dope.

I don’t necessarily agree with hero bans, but in almost any competitively viable game there have been bans not chosen by people, my best example that I can think of at current is either smash, call of duty, and Pokemon, each more or less the same.
Honestly the bans in these games aren’t such widespread outrage from within their community (aside from Pokemon, because well sword and shield did some abysmally horrid things to justify the removal of almost 400 Pokemon) but hero bans should definitely not be chosen by people who play the game on a competitive level anyway, the fact being that even though certain heroes can’t be banned for more than 2 weeks at a time, they’ll just make sure that every other week that specific character is banned because competitively there’s nothing that hard counters that specific hero or comp team.
Honestly could’ve been better if Blizzard did the same thing as alot of Pokemon tournaments do, have a rank by rank ban, because based on skill there’s bound to be people who just know which heroes stomp at different ranks and then there’s people who just play one character and play braindead and learn bad habits when they get into ranked.

Overwatch is a unique game with very limited options for two out of the three roles. Just because it works for others doesn’t mean it does with OW. If they ban Lucio, what’s the defensive ult alternative ? Zen, with all its counters ? Baptist, that is already picked but poorly played ? When they banned two out of the three main healers, what choice do you have left ?

That’s right, none.

At this point, if they really want to force that “feature” on us, at the very least don’t include tanks and supports until there are viable alternatives. It would still suck very much, people would still stop playing after being pissed of repeatedly, but at least they’d be more coherent with their own motto: flex.

Perfect example of that was when they banned most hitscans. Dps still had Ash. Sucks if you don’t like her, but hey, at least you had options.

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