Blizzards Largest Problems: Roll Queue, Point Design and Hero Balancing

  1. Blizzard has poor hero balancing (look at OWL for example). One class of heroes is played more than the others and one class is completely left out. The definition of poor balancing.
  2. Blizzard has poor map design. A majority of the points are in a bowl design and lack linear separation.
  3. Blizzard’s matchmaker since day one has failed to balance competitive queue with players that have a diverse player pool 75% of the time. For Example, being paired with 4 healer mains. I would love to see locked roll q in a 2x2x2 configuration.
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How to really kill the game 101 with someone who doesn’t understand balance or why the meta is what it is.

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Balance dies not equal 2/2/2. In fact balance will make the game better and 2/2/2 would have more people leave.

But of course in 3 years with all the work there has been no balance. That’s why there’s such a lack of diversity in picks in the OWL and streamers (who are at least a bit better), as far as I’ve seen.

shrug but forcing roles will not change the lack of balance or make the game better because it isn’t fixing whatever the core problem is

Why would you force 2-2-2 when over half of the roster is dps? 4 players have 7 heroes to choose from while 2 players have 16 to choose from? That sounds like a terrible idea

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I disagree, but my disagreement is rank specific. OWL represents the top 1% of the game, so they need rules like a 2-2-2 lock. Consider that in the NFL only a certain number of players can legally touch the ball on offense. Rules need to govern official tournaments and leagues.

Ladder play is different. We are a bunch of kids playing pick up football who won’t be going pro. We don’t need a 2-2-2 lock. We need a competitive mode that promotes fun and love of the game.

Blizzard’s map design is incredible. I feel like your argument is for variety, which is a good argument.

The mode needs to promote fun and love of the game, nothing more.

OW is losing people, dev are too focuses making OW 2 why idk its way too early for that.

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what about paying attention in general?

they cant even come close to realizing the ideas you’ve mentioned until they open their eyes.

sarcasm aside, i do agree with you.

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