Blizzard you should really do something

i agree. comp matchmaking is complete trash. worst experience ive ever had online. smurfs, alts, and mixing great and terribads is not fun


There is simply no insentive to tryhard and climb. People up the ladder do not become less toxic, just mechanically better represented by a generic number next to their name. Just waiting for BF to release and get some patches so it is playable


red dead 2 soon :slight_smile:


In all seriousness i love overwatch but its pretty safe to say the current state of matchmaking is pretty frustrating. I dont think I’ll stop playing, but man LFG wasnt really the solution. niether is a role cue because some of the fun of intresting team comps is lost. I think the real frustration comes down to the SR system. It would be alot less annoying for alot of people if we could get performanced based rather than win and lose gains only. People freak out and will say somthing like “every one wants a medal for not winning these days” or “then people will play for stats”. Sure fair arguments but people feel like there wasting there time when they lose 4 games in a row and see nothing gained.

I think a combo of giving SR for a win and for performance is the solution. Example + or -20SR for a win and then maybe like a 0 - 30SR given for performance.

in alot of ways the system does this already. like those times you get 5-0SR taken away after a lose. but this would enable those who performed very well to still gain from loses though only marginally.

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This is good feedback TobysWeed, but unfortunately I rather see less metrics toward performance based SR in all ranks. Right now only a tiny portion of your SR adjustment is influenced by your performance and only if you are in Platinum and lower ranks. Right now I have a pretty good idea of how that works and I am taking advantage of it to the point where it is creating poor quality matches in exchange for me gaining skill rating. I do this by focusing on my best heroes such as Pharah (note this was prior to the patch) and work my individual hero stats to perform above their averages regardless of match result. In effect over a long term I was winning more games, and was gaining more SR with wins versus losing SR with losses. However this sometimes created some rather toxic experiences if I am ever solo queuing. But now, I believe am on track and on my way to a career high by exploiting performance based SR in the Platinum rank.

Ya ive seen people talk about this when there was alot of complaints about boosted off meta one trick players. from what i understand it does alot of guaging of your skill vs other people playing that hero maybe there needs to be an overhaul of the performance system. i do believe given some time the overwatch team could nail down what things players do lead to winning games. a tall order I know. but its 2018 average comapanies have acces to neural nets that can scan huge amounts of information in seconds. i do believe with investment the performance systems gauging of what are important actions could be hugely improved. but what do i know, maybe winning actions in a game are truely to abstract to be given number values. @JeffreyKaplan???

Total random skill level of players at a given Sr.

New players tend to place mid gold, whether they’re actually 500 SR or 4500 Sr in skill. Eg 700 Soldier in Unit Lost video placed 2200 and fell 1500. No game sense. Going in 1v6 all the time. Fed up of losing games due to morons on my team. Placement system needs improving. There’s 25 qp levels as well as 10 games to get it right. I win due to idiots on enemy team, but not really fun or hard fought games.

Leaver problem is massive. Played 3 games today. Leavers in 2 (enemy team luckily). Friend of mine did placements. Leavers on his team in 5 games. There needs to be some form of backfill system in place.

Throwers not punished. Reporting them apparently does nothing. Can’t believe there’s not an algorithm to look at a player, see that he’s dropped 1000 Sr in 3 days playing heroes he’s never touched before. Just perm ban these scumbags.

Better tutorial. Explain grouping up, not feeding. Really basic stuff that people just don’t get.

Mmr matchmaking. What the heck is this garbage? Player A is really good, so we’ll give him some donkeys to carry whilst enemy team also has a carry and some donkeys. Either way, a good player loses and several bad players get carried.
I’ve a friend miles better at this game than me. I was higher Sr than him for a while. I got carried and he got heavy as hell team mates. I see silvers play like plats and plats play like silvers. Skill level is all over the place. Makes many games into stomps due to massive skill variances at a given Sr.
Just match via Sr. Use Mmr only for awarding points to move smurfs up quicker.

Pbsr. I see the point of this. At least make it transparent. Tell someone why they’re getting screwed on gains. I could heal 15k and get 12 rezzes as Mercy for 25 Sr, or play Orisa, do almost nothing and get 28 sr. Utter garbage.

I think that covers a variety of issues…


Right now leavers were kinda common until late today when they patched a certain bug with the game, even then there will never be a backfill as that is considered an unfair change to the team without the leaver.

Don’t worry there is, I get frequent feedback messages for my reports. However I am very discerning to evaluate a player if they are actually throwing by some manner, or if they are just really, really bad.

No automated tutorial system is going to teach players to get better, I know this from years of experience as an arcade technician and have seen it game to game.

First remember that matchmaking rating is based around a single value. Matchmaking only takes that number and uses it to pair players around the same value. Does it work perfectly? No and it never will. Can it improve? Maybe, but it would require rule changes to Competitive. Rule changes that some players may not like.

I just explained above how I use my statistics and work to improve my own personal averages. The only thing better was Pursuit (which is now banned).

I’m just a player what details could I give? We know nothing about ranked system and matchmaker :grin:.
Does it have to an Overwatch clonce I’d like a little change from all the Battle Royal and toxic Competitive.

There is a lot more information out there, one power user here on the forums as it all collected into one comprehensive guide:

To conclude before I retire for the night, I will note I have seen something peculiar in the game that suggests changes might be coming. To give a hint, something is missing that should have now appeared in the game since the patch was updated.

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how the hell are you gonna be so cryptic now imma be up all night wondering what this ment.

I appreciate your optimism but another mediocre half measure ain’t going to cut it at this point.
Competitive needs something along the lines of an announcement of an entirely revised ranking algorithm, because the competitive experience is as bipolar as it’s ever been right now.

Throwaway wins one game, massive loss the next. Alts everywhere exacerbating the issue by either being outright smurfs, clearly playing at an SR level way below their main, or one-tricking a niche character that is being completely countered while saying “lol don’t care this isn’t my main.”

Last night, the final time I played before BO4 comes out - between 8 games I had 3 games with leavers on my team, 3 games with Symm/Sombra one trick alts way out of their league, and at least 15 players on low level accounts that played nice until overtime rounds and then switched characters to destroy the other team. That’s more bad games than good.

You may say “unlucky matchmaking” but I say “bad matchmaking.” This is two+ years after release and shouldn’t be happening anymore.

I’m sure there’s an excuse involving all the less-practiced players returning for the Halloween event or something, but frankly I don’t care what the excuses are.

The competitive matchmaker is only partially capable on its best days, and the playerbase needs to stop being blamed for its failings, which has been the go-to since the game launched.

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Huehuehuehuehue! What ever makes you sleep better at night you Silver God. 哈哈哈!


Hahahahhahaha one tricks on your, that’s ironic!


Sad but probably pretty accurate description of things, and also explains the weird variances in games too often.


You probably hard stuck in Silver so you bought a new account to place higher, Sad but probably true. Huehuehuehuehue!


Oh yeah :sunglasses:

no seriously man i didnt sleep last night and probably 3 hours spent looking at maps and in game menus. i need you to tell me what you ment by this, other wise i might go crazy.

Well now that I have drove a couple of you crazy. (Yes I can be evil like that…)

The Season 13 sprays and player icons are not yet in the game. Usually the next season’s items start appearing in the inventory (locked of course) in a major patch release before the end of the current competitive season. We are less than three weeks away from the end of Season 12, so I find it curious that these items have yet to show up.

I also will note, that the first twelve competitive seasons featured the 12 original maps that released when Overwatch came out. So maybe this is as good of a time as any. Also note how close Season 12 will be ending near BlizzCon. I would not be surprised if there is an extended break if major changes are on the horizon.

Granted this is just me… someone who is a graphic designer by trade who notices these little things… finding a pattern of usual behavior with content updates having a minor lapse, and this may be all conspiracy theory. I would be not surprised if Season 13 has less changes than season 5 did (which was none by the ways).


i cant believe i missed that… youve given me hope so lets see if we see changes! your so right though honsestly, they always do show up before the season ends.

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