I didn’t even need to read the OP to know to immediately flag it…
xavvy, you’re literally just spamming at this point.
And don’t bother @'ing me. The cat will just get your tongue against everybody that calls you out for your passive-aggressiveness. Plus I know that you won’t respond if I respond back to your previous posts. Case and point? These two posts of mine in your previous topic, as well as EOW’s posts in your threads which have constructive criticisms (to which you’ll just call out ad hominem), among many, many other posts.
No offense, but I wish Rag Tagg would make a Forum Criers video and include one of your threads in such a video just to show how much you act like this.
And like I also stated to you in your previous thread xavvy, if you really want to try pursuing this crusade, be my guest. But I can guarantee you that you will be vastly disappointed with a potential direct response. They will state that Mercy will not be reverted or reworked.