Blizzard, you can't balance mercy's rez as a cooldown

I disagree
don’t @ me

Constructive feedback falsely flagged by the same people who accuse Mercy players of not providing constructive feedback in the first place.


Please share? I’ve maintained the same question throughout all my replies: is this a troll/meme or is it genuine? Any other conclusion you may have “realized” is conjecture, considering all I’ve done is ask that question and take your advice (look through post histories of other users you said are toxic and harass you). Admittedly I only looked through the top 10 most recent comments made by said people (including you), but in the top 10 recent comments of the user you specified as toxic, there really were only paladdin comments, Winter Wonderland date explanations, and ideas for a winter skin hero. Your post history is mainly in this thread and another, and have the same tone that I’ve asked you about (and others in this thread have asked you about). I have no malicious intentions…so not sure what the purpose of

This was, especially because that’s a pretty heavy handed, sarcastic accusation and represents the exact toxic behavior you’re condemning other people in this thread for? I’m a fellow Mercy main, but I don’t like how you’re accusing me (and others) in this thread or representing our community. I think aggressive & passive aggressive threads like this is a great contributing factor to the negative stigma the mercy community is receiving on the forums… (I just read another fellow mercy’s thread about unjust hate received on the forums…but I think part of the reason for the hate – even though hate against a group is never acceptable – is based on posts like this.)

Also, you even admit this extremely heavy handed accusation is based on speculation. I don’t think you should make pretty heavy accusations (I’m just one of the trolls on this thread using another account) based on speculation. That doesn’t keep the conversation classy or on topic.

Discouraging. sigh.

What? I don’t have a conclusion either way. Look at my last response, I still said it was up in the air because the commenters in this thread could be biased – like you said – but I’m also weighing that against your comments and actions. A post like this, insinuating I have malicious intentions and just want to agree with trolls, is baseless considering I’ve left every reply open-ended or a question, giving you a chance to explain what I’m noticing and correcting me if it’s wrong. But this reply is a very heavy handed, borderline toxic response to openended questions which isn’t really helping your cause.

That’s some pretty paranoid thinking. Are you saying I’m one of the other users in this thread using another account to perpetuate a toxic troll thing against you? Because I’ve never directly supported anyone elses comments, I’ve just presented them to you, noticed how your behavior does line up with some of the other comments, and then asked you about it to give you a chance to explain. I think you’re being a bit paranoid and kind of assuming what my intentions are without actually looking at what I’m saying in my replies. I’ve repeatedly asked you the same type of question, “if x is saying you do this, and I see you do this (even in this thread), can you explain how x person is wrong/what you really mean?” ex. I asked you about blush emojis since numerous others have also asked about it and users who are more familiar with you say that it is “absolutely used as a passive aggressive” method/thing (I can’t think of the right word).

See, the “dreadfully sorry,” is another example of what seems ungenuine about you as a poster and kind of places a shadow on your original post. I’ve never taken issue with how you type, but just asked you as a whole, with a tone that could be taken as either overly positive or extremely passive aggressive, which one it could be? A perfect example of this is you saying, “I’m dreadfully sorry…but.” Whenever someone says “sorry, but” that’s just another way of saying they’re not sorry. You’re either sorry or you’re not. “But” is a way of negating what you said before. Ex. “I’m sorry that I poured water on your head to wake you up, but you deserved it.” See how the “but” negated the entire apology?

Who is the friend you’re referring to? Is this another accusation of me posting on another account or your accusation that I’m defending toxic trolls in this post? I’m doing neither. I have asked open-ended questions.

I agree I could have looked at more than the 10 most recent posts of the people you accused of being repeatedly toxic to you, but even with that limited base of research, your own suggestion kind of backfired because the “toxic” users didn’t really have toxic comments, while the comments I’ve asked you about all maintain the same possibly passive aggressive tone/possibly extremely positive tone. I have not yet reached a conclusion, but this post swings heavy in one direction, especially with baseless accusations of me being another poster in this thread using a different account to perpetuate angry toxicity towards you (when all I’ve done is ask questions and thank you for welcoming me to the forums).

Again, have never reached a conclusion (still haven’t, although I’m pretty close after reading this post), but I still don’t have enough information to determine if you’re a troll/just overly positive person.

Who? Are you baselessly throwing me into a group of “toxic harassers”/another user on this thread on an alternate account? I don’t think any of the “toxic users” in this thread have the same style/tone of talking…everyone’s distinct. So not sure what this is.

Again, no I didn’t. In fact, I said the exact opposite:

I blatantly stated I think Mercy could do with some tweaks to her kit. ^^

Please keep it classy and stop

Thank you.


Did people seriously flag this thread…? :neutral_face:


This is pathetic, exactly why I prefer to use Youtube and Twitter now. The forums are filled with hypocrites, false flagging constructive posts while claiming “Mercy mains” are the problem. Typical.


I didn’t even need to read the OP to know to immediately flag it…

xavvy, you’re literally just spamming at this point.

And don’t bother @'ing me. The cat will just get your tongue against everybody that calls you out for your passive-aggressiveness. Plus I know that you won’t respond if I respond back to your previous posts. Case and point? These two posts of mine in your previous topic, as well as EOW’s posts in your threads which have constructive criticisms (to which you’ll just call out ad hominem), among many, many other posts.

No offense, but I wish Rag Tagg would make a Forum Criers video and include one of your threads in such a video just to show how much you act like this.

And like I also stated to you in your previous thread xavvy, if you really want to try pursuing this crusade, be my guest. But I can guarantee you that you will be vastly disappointed with a potential direct response. They will state that Mercy will not be reverted or reworked.


Notice how the current threads that call out and attack Mercy mains get no such community flags? I find it funny how those double standards tend to work for those lovely people. It’s fine though. I intend this thread to be made to invite discussion and offer constructive feedback, rather than be a place for petty insults and attacking / generalizing groups of people. This isn’t the first time this has happened with my threads, so I’ll just let the Mods decide on this one and see for themselves. :blush:

You are fine to have that opinion and I respect it. I humbly disagree with some of it though. I think that Mass Rez was special in that is directly countered ultimate spam, a problem that we currently suffer from in our games today. No other ultimate did this to such a degree, making it not only a necessary ultimate, but also an iconic one. I feel that with tweaks, the ultimate could have been perfectly fine, and with the suggested rework (or some alteration of it), I am confident that the past issues the ability had would have been correctly resolved, especially so with how much counter-play in this game exists to it.

I feel that Mercy is good at pocket healing, but that it is not her only role. I feel that on the contrary, and that a playstyle that encourages just standing next to a team mate, holding M1 and taking no part in the actual fight itself (through things like res) is an ever worse example of game design, more so due to it’s lack of impact being made even more mundane with Valkyrie and it’s chain heals. But alas, that’s just my opinion on it, and I understand if you disagree with it. Just giving my 2 cents there. I do agree with you though in that I feel that this game could certainly use more heroes. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

god i wished for a ragtagg video on these threads for a long time. He made one on sovereign once.
Also, since seagull said that ult spam is a problem, here goes xavvy using that as a buzzword as to why mass rez should be back.



I mean, look, I hate the idea of mass res, but there is zero reason that this thread should have been flagged. It’s absolutely not against any aspect of the CoC and it’s encouraging discussion, which is what the entire forum is for.

smh some people…


Which means that flagging it is against CoC… :thinking:

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except it’s a carbon copy of another thread by the same user, used to “forward” the discussion. Two things that are specifically addressed as “spam” in the guidelines.


Like, don’t get me wrong.
I’m not a fan of these threads. Or a lot of threads, tbh.

But I find it to be more effort to falsely flag something which requires multiple mouse clicks than just hitting the “Previous Page” button and carrying on lmao

People are spending more effort to be a jerk. It’s unsettling.

This isn’t spam. Spam does not put a lot of thought and wording to articulate a point in a thread. Whether you agree or not.

That’s yucky, man.


Unless I am horribly mistaken, there is significantly more discussed in this thread than in the one you cite

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People can’t handle differing opinions so they mass flag, seems about right

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there’s nothing that couldn’t be added to the other thread, especially since it’s so recent.
It’s still about reworking mercy and swapping valk with mass rez.


Not weighing in on either side, just speaking from what I know of the Code of Conduct, spam is also considered reposting the same thread/idea over and over in new threads instead of keeping it consolidated in 1 thread. So even though this post does have a lot of words to articulate a point, if it’s just rephrasing of a similar thread made by the same user this week (I think it was OP that made a similar thread earlier this week, but I didn’t click the link so I’m not 100% sure. Could be wrong here.), then according to the Code of Conduct, it is spam. Ex. why last week I saw like 5 similar mercy threads fused into one by a mod.


To be honest , I think the Mercy community has tried to change this mess of a rework with constructive criticism for such a long time - it’s enough. There isn’t anything we can do on these forums anymore. Now it’s up to the devs.
We have tried for over one and a half years - the forums are simply not the right place for constructive discussions.

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imagine this was the forum of a famouse ice cream shop.
And people complain about wanting cauliflower ice cream, to the point the forums are flooded by the cauliflower movement.
If the shop had no intention of making cauliflower ice cream in the first place, they aren’t gonna listen to those requests, especially if they are just a loud minority that appears bigger than it is.
Most of the mercy talk is about mass rez, reverts or reworks, while the dev have made it clear that mercy has no planned rework, that they don’t like mass rez and that they want to make valk work.
While there’s a lot of feedback on that too, that doesn’t mean the dev have to try everything that’s suggested or answer with their own opinions on that.
Maybe they tried many stuff internally, considering their logs on the hanzo rework, where they talked about multiple ideas they tested, it’s safe to assume they do much more than we know behind the scenes.
Maybe they tried mass rez with los and cast time internally and saw it wasn’t working. Or maybe they didn’t.
But as a good friend of mine once said “if they did, they’d see how it was the solution all along”.

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Yeah, the accusation was pretty wild. I’m Eevee and I’m female. I don’t believe I’ve ever interacted with you in another thread either. I believe this is the first time we’ve crossed paths. I don’t really know where OP got the idea that I must be you (especially since I think our style of typing and tone is pretty different), but it seems paranoid at best and kind of baseless slander at worst to try to negate your point/invalidate me.

Well, even though apparently we’re the same person, hi nice to meet you. :slight_smile: It’s weird that even though we’re the same person, for some reason we have different opinions on Mercy (ex. I said above I think Mercy is overall fine and could do with some tweaks, but Sym/Bastion needs it more so they should be first). But I guess I should take it as kind of a backhand compliment that OP thought I was an experienced user on the forums on an alternate account :sunglasses:

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by chance are you the streamer named EeVeeA?