Blizzard, why are you so in love with Ashe

Don’t get me wrong the getting rid of one shot with a mercy pocket is great, but Ashe is still by far the most overpowered dps.

Her entire kit is designed to be OP, Dinamite is amazing in 1v1 and for team fights to build ult charge(I literally had a game the other day where the Ashe only hit dinamites with a pocket and had bob in less then 45 seconds), her shotgun is one of the best anti dive things in the game especially if she has a pocket, bob is a annoyingly good ult, and worst of all is having 12 bullets in her gun , you can say “well it takes a long time to reload all those” in reality it really doesn’t and even if it did, her gun does so much dmg the fight is over before she even has too with 12 bullets

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Answer to the title: She’s hot, do you blame them?

Seriously though, she’s a bit overturned and that’s why she got that nerf. It lets her have impact and utility without pushing too much into other long range dps’ spots.

Her kit has a lot of utility and flexibility in it… but that also means she’s not going to be as good as a McCree in some places or a Widow in others. She’s a compromise character that fits into both areas imperfectly. She also is a bit less feast or famine, so she’s not going to have the ability to shut people down as fast as other dps, but she’s going to be consistent (which is waaaaaaaaaay more important in lower elos were everyone takes forever to down targets anyway).


You can’t take over a game with a mccree like you can Ashe. Don’t get me wrong, mccree is a great character you can carry with. But you can’t 1v6 like you can on Ashe, as long as your teamsters feed and you get left alone as Ashe you can absolutely 1v6

She has been nerfed 3 patches in a row.
They nerfed her primary fire, they nerfed her dynamite, they nerfed her cooldowns, they nerfed her max ammo.
But it’s like Hanzo or Sombra. She’ll be nerfed until she becomes useless if you don’t one trick her.

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I think that’s going to be different for different players. I personally do a lot more as McCree than the other hitscan, because his aim style just kinda works for me. I’m not saying that my Ashe is bad (honestly I’m feeling good about her the last few seasons), but when I’m in a really stressful game McCree is my comfort pick.

As for dominating the game? I feel like most dps can do that below a certain elo… and above that it’s hard to 1v6 on anything. People are too good at playing angles and blocking damage. I’d pick Ashe if I had a Mercy pocket or if I wanted to have flexibility in the range I challenge people at. I’d pick McCree if I needed to be able to kill rather than just displace flankers or if I knew most my fights would be close range.

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Yet Hanzo and sombra are two of the best dps in the game​:joy::joy: your point makes zero sense. Literally if I’m ever losing a game and really want to win, I just go sombra and it’s a instant W Hanzo is not hard to play either and he isn’t bad… never has been

Plus they only nerfed her max ammo after upping it too a ridiculous 15.

In my opinion all they have to do to fix Ashe is put her max ammo at 9 or 8 and she would be balanced. Or make it so she can’t blow up dinamite mid air but make it so it explodes on the ground quicker

Hanzo is middle of the pack at best.

Sombra is just awful at every rank:
Across every rank, she has the lowest winrate and the second-lowest pickrate.
In GM, she had the lowest pickrate and the third-lowest winrate.

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Ashe is no longer the best dps In the game. She never was super oppressive teams just protected the hell out of her. You got a high damage dps with a pocket that tanks play protect the president on. They are going to look amazing.

Players are starting to move on to McCree and echo.

They nerfed her into the ground so hard, games nothing but stress then they take away what’s fun. Part of what made it real easy to quit. You guys just won’t ever be satisfied with any changes they make.


“Cries in hard-stuck gold.” :joy::joy:

Taking away Ashes breakpoint has honestly made her unfun to play.

To say Ashe is OP is a lie.


I’m in love with Ashe too!

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So is Mercy and look at the state she’s in now

Maybe the devs are suckers for southern accents like I am? Mercy’s cool and all, but cowgirls are cooler.

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whoops that’s a tank (i think)

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Imagine calling Hanzo and Widow OP :joy:

Now echo… There’s a case for unbalanced champion…


Yes, how dare I called characters with 1 shots with NO COOLDOWN fundamentally unbalanced

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In a first person shooter? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Overwatch isn’t an FPS or a MOBA. It’s a hybrid.
Having to literally being afk behind a shield isn’t fun or balanced, having to spend the game stunned isn’t fun or balanced.

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I’d much rather vs a widow or Hanzo over a pocket Ashe

how much damage she do now with a mercy boost to head?