Blizzard used Soldier 76 as a PR and Marketing Ploy

You know MOST of the player base is DPS and this patch is not going to make them mad right??

I mean… Yeah.

But is this a shock exactly?

Except it was you not accepting it is a personal problem you need to get over. Or if you can’t deal with it the door is right there. Feel free to go and please. Do let the door hit you where the good Lord split ya.

It’s not homophobic because it includes everyone else as well. The straights complain. The gays complain. It goes on and on. I’m just surprised that Blizzard includes LGBT characters and those in the LGBT community still complain. It’s a video game. The lore isn’t even cohesive in the first place.

You’re insinuating “the gays” were complaining about something prior to 76? This is hate speech.

It’s new lore (the story wasn’t mostly about soilders sexuality you know) and if your lgbt+, like me then this is pretty cool news to hear.

Bluh bluh bluh.

Everything is a marketing ploy. If you’re advocating that Soldier 76 should’ve been straight to avoid being a marketing ploy, I’m going to have to politely ask you to shut up.

No I’m saying they should have revealed this next week or last week…

I’m not sure that logic follows.

“They revealed Soldier 76 as gay because Reaper now has 50% lifesteal”

They revealed his because they new them killing off the tanking category would be cotroversial.

That’s really in the conspiracy theory category.

If they were worried about controversial patches, Soldier would’ve been gay at Season 2.

S2 didn’t destroy an entire category of the game. It’s not conspiracy its basic PR.

A) “Destroy an entire category” is hyperbole to begin with. It nerfed armor across all classes. This means Winston, D.Va, Zarya, and Roadhog will be doing more damage as well as they are all heavy affected by Armor. The classes that benefited the most from armor were the supports. Brigitte’s buffs made them very difficult to eliminate.

B) The patch isn’t even out yet. 98% of the playerbase doesn’t even know the patch exists on PTR.

Road will do the EXACT amount of damage he did before due to how his gun works… also which category has the most heroes with armor? What category relies on tanking to fufill their role? Also why are tanks TANKING being sacrificed to be fat dps?

I didn’t see the Soldier stuff in the patch so I need to look that up. I did happen to see the Reaper changes though, and we can talk about controversial stories all day long… that Reaper buff is better than anything Overwatch has dropped story wise

My thoughts exactly. The timing and way this was done makes it look suspiciously like a smoke screen for Blizzard to hide behind. A distraction from all their moronic decisions lately while winning a few good boy points with the usual SJW infested media outlets.

It is sad really. Sad that Blizzard would stoop to exploiting such a sensitive topic instead of actually fixing their games. Sad that people actually take the bait and descend into pointless debate. Sad that people are not holding Blizzard accountable for their continuing parade of screwups.

Overwatch players deserve better, the LGBT community deserve better and fans of Blizzard games as a whole definitely deserve better.

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