Blizzard STOP lying about the matchmaker

That doesnt exist.

I have had it with the 4 gold medal kill losses and the wins where I go 40-4. JUST STOP Lying to us. Face it there is no matchmaker in this game. You have had SIXTEEN seasons to fix it. Stop it with the lies

There is no matchmaker. Zilch nada it doesn’t exist you are just throwing together random people together into a blender.

There are no excuses anymore. Stop lying. There are no reasons to have lopsided wins and losses to this degree 3 years into a game’s life. WE have had PLENTY of games played to get a good grip of people’s skill.


If it was that ROBUST, they’d show us some insight on how it works. But I’m sure

  1. It’s wayyy more complicated than what we believe it to be.

  2. Community may construe certain elements to be unfair despite being essential for a “good” matchmaker from a game design perspective.

  3. It may expose some dirty tactics that they don’t want us to know - elements of matchmaker that get us to keep playing the game; rather than making good matches. Their design policy is to make players feel good and not necessarily to make a 100% fair system. E.g. It feels AWESOME to just roll someone w/ 3-4 kill dragonblade… They like to give that to players by creating lopsided matches so that the winning players keep chasing that HIGH of being good at the game. The flipside of that is the losing players will go to forums and complain. The matchmaker’s job is to balance those feelings amongst the playerbase.


calm down…


What are you talking about dude? Its hard to understand your text.

If there is not matchmaker how are you placed in games lol?

What exactly do you want?


I want good matched up games. Again not either total lopsided losses or lopsided wins.

Yesterday after like 4 games on dva I went a total of roughly 120 kills to 10 deaths. Im not exagerrating here total lopsided wins against teams that couldnt stand a chance.

Today I am getting the dead opposite. No reason games should be this one sided in either direction.

Lopsided games should be an exception not a common occurrence.

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120 kills in 4 game or in one game? Its simple, if you were doing good yesterday and climbed you were placed with better people today as you were higher. Since you could not beat them you dropped back. This is example how matchmkaer is doing his job. What do you want? Easy games all day and non stop climbing?

And its kind of hard to believe because when I play have fair share of fast short games and long games. Its not just stomps.

Sometimes team just cant capture even first point, that happens.


I want games where it feels like they were well matched.

Not 1 game where I feel like thrown against plats and the next where I am thrown against low bronzers in a 50 SR range…


I kind of have troubles to believe you things you are saying.

But when I check your profile, you actualy won only 1 games as and lost 3. So where are 4 games which you supposed to win as You too have only 98 elims on total. Not 120.

You see my point? Human brain likes to remember certain things and forget other facts you dont like or are against you believes. You might think your games were stomp, but are you really sure it was like that? Just go to replays and watch the games if all games were fast stomps.

Well, if you want to climb into plat get used to play against plats, even against diamonds occasionaly. Matchmaker cant predict future, he doesnt know if somoen is boosted, drunk, dumb, deranked, in a bad mood, tilted, angry, sad or whatever. He will just place 12 people in match so teams have ± same MMR/SS and ± same level defferences, meaning if one team has low lvl player there is high chance enemy team will have low lvl player too.


It’s a machine grouping up accounts based on their past gameplay. It does not consider who’s having a good or bad day for X reason in a person’s life. That’s not possible. Some people have bad days and don’t play like they would normally. That’s what happens when you have human opponents.


Its not competitive just chill and play what you want. Game is ment to have fun more then being competitive. Sad bc people only play to be competitive but u wont get that here

The “problem” with lopsided matches is just kinda how the game plays unfortunately. If one team is better than the other they get ahead on ults and control positioning which makes it hard for the worse team to not get snowballed.

Sometimes swapping to counter picks is enough, but even matches are a lot harder to come by because the skill level has to be so close.

You’re giving Blizzard far too much credit. If only it was complete RNG. It’s not. Instead they like to do sorts of manipulations to how people are matched up.

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There was a lot more rubber band matches because the community believed in comebacks. Now every one gives up at charecter select. That speaks volumes to how bad the match maker is.

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That’s more of a player issue. I personally think 3-4 DPS comps are broken right now if you have a good ball/orissa and mercy if solo healing.

It feels like the loss comes from the negative player who picks roadhog as the solo tank and complains all game to get a main tank

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You sure about that one? Because looking at your recent activity on Overbuff and your profile, it would appear you are exaggerating.

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THIS is actually true. I’d rather people play whatever they’re the best at rather than playing something sub par. Now the issue comes when everybody is complaining they wont other 5 people to support them w/ tank/healing etc. I think EVERYONE can’t be selfish - that’s where the problem lies.

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But…it is a matchmaker for me… =( who else will compare skill ratings looking for free players and stack them together… ah, just remember how were we typing ffm at mirc in cs 1.6 times 18 years ago…that was our semic-automatic machmaker =) And everyone was happy

I read sixteen reasons and so I was like why not thirteen reasons

But anyway about the actual thread; there is a matchmaker but everyone has bad and good days so you can’t put a decent number on a human’s brain to calculate their ability to play the game like a robot.

Yeah, because OWL matches are all close, and no team ever gets steamrolled on a map.

It could be that the problem is with your expectations for reality. Putting 6 random people with the exact same SR against another 6 people with the exact same SR doesn’t even begin to guarantee a close match. Sometimes people just click with their teammates better than the other team does.

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Seems to work fine for me. I started out in bronze during season 3 and quickly ranked up to gold that following week. I’ve noticed skill differences between bronze and plat.

I can easily get out of bronze however I have been stuck in gold and low plat since season 3. It’s because I’m simply just not good enough to get past plat.

I can really care less because I like playing at my skill lvl. I’d rather not be in high plat or low diamond because I know for a fact I’ll get creamed.

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