untouched - stays as is - fake eliminations, bugged assistances etc
real eliminations - as in deathmatch
real assistances - only 1 player can get assistance, allways the last dmg before elim happens
dmg received/healing received
Healing done
Thank you a lot. Enough from 20kills in team but meanwhile only single enemy died, or assists-easy hero (Moira, Soldier) blames the team they have higher ,numbers, or when support sees only tank and than wondering why is dps allways dead and does nothing.
Thanks so much
So here is the thing, an elim means you did 1+ dmg and they died, what we want is the ability to see our actual kills, so doing the most damage to someone means you gain ownership of that kill. While the person who got the final blow could have done that 1 damage and stolen someone elses. We want to see our hard effort kills, vs our low effort kills
Why is that important?
You shouldn’t try to gain “ownership” of kills. The system right now is working like it is for a reason. Overwatch is heavily team based, and sharing elims should reflect this.
You can’t just make it so stats track differently for everyone.
And again, why is this so important to you? Especially if you only display it differently, while staying the same for everyone else?
Why not? There will be soon an option 1st/3rd person view… means that all of players have to change??
because I want to know the exact numbers and not a bugged fake ones.
How many times as a Junkrat hit lmb than mine but not close enough and the enemy left with low HP, got finished by team mate - No assistance to me at all. I would be okayish with current tab aswell, when:
total kills = total enemy deaths
assists will be not bugged, no way Moira is allway top kills/top assists
Same reason they gave medals instead on raw stats. Same reason venture doesn’t have a gender and one of the new hero reveals is a water bender e boy. Same reason. Feelings bro