Blizzard said they'd do console-specific changes. So where are the Pharah nerfs?

Of course it’s a crutch for them to be in GM. They are boosted by using that, it’s the entire point.

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I’m 100% serious, I run into people on ps4 who have far harder times with torbs turret then pharmercy. I know Master tier players who get tilted by the turret and as a high gold player I can handle pharmercy on … like at least 7 or 8 characters if not more.

I have never run into anyone who found his turret more than a minor irritation. I am on PS4.

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you’re in plat, you’re either lying or you have no friends and that is how your statement is true. XD

Am I getting ranked shamed by someone with a lower SR, the hell? That’s new. There is a reason that Torbjorn is rare, it’s because he isn’t that good. Most people can handle him. IDK who your Masters friends are that find him so frustrating, but they are the anomaly.

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Is rrally easy kill pharahmercy on lower ranks. The problem start above 3000-3300

XD it’s not that far apart. seriously I’m a good day of overwatch playing away from your sr or higher. lol what a boosted mentality you have dude.

I am normally around 2800 first of all, I had a losing streak and them gave up on comp for the season. You described yourself as normally around high gold.

Second of all, it is irrelevant. If you aren’t significantly better than the person you are rank shaming, you really have no leg to stand on. Like that is absurd.

Boosted? No. I almost always solo queue.

You’re the one calling people a liar because they don’t think Torbjorn is a problem on console and haven’t met anyone who has, and yes I have met plenty of people. Like that is rude af.

well good luck with next season and getting back to high plat! I also describe myself as low as possible. Just a habit I’ve had since my days of low silver still saying I was high bronze.

I think they should Nerf her boosters cooldown by 1 or 2 seconds.
Or Nerf her overall damage, like 100 instead of 120.
One of these, i don’t think She Need an heavy Nerf, only something to make her more easy to kill or less dangerous. Only on console, obviusly


As far as I’m aware, this isn’t a problem on PS4. A few of my friends are GM and they said they do see the combo here and there, but since they have excellent aim and belong in their rank, Pharmercy is easy to deal with.

Blizzard has more important things to work on. This is coming from someone who only plays on PS4.


Oh look, a profile shamer. It doesn’t surprise me that you think Pharmercy is a problem when you don’t even listen to someone who gave a great explanation of direct/indirect nerfs, just because of an arbitrary number.

The only hero I’d say absolutely needs to be watched for Console-specific changes is Ana.

The disparity between Ana on Console vs. PC is staggering at times and in the past, Blizzard has shown to unnecessarily nerf her based off PC statistics despite Console not actually being in the same situation.

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Well if pharahmercy is easy to deal on gm, why pharah is the top one dps pickrate on gm ps4??

Pharah GM Pickrate

PC 1.80
PSN 6.31

Pharah GM Winrate
PC 52.99
PSN 57.87

Ana GM Pickrate

PC 3.55
PSN 1.18

Ana GM Winrate
PC 54.75
PSN 50.29

Both perfom significantly different from console to PS, but the performance gap is wider for Pharah than Ana. In truth they both could use some console specific balance changes.


Pharah nerf? Another reason to make me play less. I rarely get pocketed anyway.

Playing a FPS game with a controller on a overpriced console with weak hardware is just hilarious to me.

Your friends are clearly in an alternate reality GM, then. Pharah and Mercy have a very high pickrate in GM, according to Overbuff. The top 500 leaderboard has an abundance of Mercy and Pharah mains.

And since I see Pharmercy every game, I believe the stats.

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And I believe because of unlimited accounts on PS4, my friends are not matched with these Pharmercy players running rampant.

There are a lot more people I know who play every day and they hardly have to deal with this so-called “problem”.

Also, now that profiles are private, I doubt the stats. I do not doubt the honesty of friends in a game they still play dedicatedly.

Pharah was top one gm dps pickrate also before private profile exist…

On this time, also was top one on master.