Blizzard said they'd do console-specific changes. So where are the Pharah nerfs?

The issue is Mouse and Keyboard emulator kits, not pharah.

What you want is like PC players having “mouse sway” put on Widow scope or Bullet drop put on all scan hits…

The issue right now is Mouse and KB players. Trust.

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I cant take it anymore, started comp because i thought mercy nerfs and hitscan buffs would reduce it , only to see that stupid combo every game again, iam skipping s11 again.


Explain to me why MKB usage makes Pharmercy MORE of a problem. And why you, a gold PC player, can elaborate on the console situation.



The only players that defend pharahmercy mechanic are pc players and low elo console players…

The low elo players on console, think that soldier, sombra and some others heros are effective counters to pharahmercy.

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The reality is that hitscans are simply the only ones capable of even hurting Pharmercy. But are far from counters. The only one that can be considered a counter is Widowmaker, but how many good Widows are there are on console? And how recently was she just nerfed?

What PC players say about console balancing is irelevant. They know jack.


The problem arent the pc players.

Just look how also they had to play a bad balance game. Like the 6 months of hanzo + zarya meta or the 1 year of only dive meta.

The problem is blizzard,. They dont play the game and also dont read the post. Just go and look the Developers forum profile, they have a very low time of read posts.

Sorry for my english. :stuck_out_tongue:

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YOU ARE ALIVE, I just realized, Ares from old forums, we had same opinions about basically everything so i remember you very well, missed you haha

To the topic, i gave up consoles totally, i just play on ps4 QP or arcade because i like the core of overwatch and gameplay.

But Pharmercy, mnks or aiming systems issue will never be solved, ever.

First they ignored a lot of minor things.

Then they ignored Pharah PS4 having higher winrate on GM then any dps on PC in last year, separate balancing nonexistent:

Last drop was when i emailed them full video evidence of cheaters, ddosers and boosters, months later they were never banned, at that point i give up any serious console care :frowning:


if Pharah is dominating masters and GM I would bet there aren’t as many hitscan KBM players as you might think. If a pharah is wrecking all these KBM players with a controller then they are actually terrible and the KBM is a crutch for them to be in GM.

Haha, I play on a try hard account too in high masters, but this is my most played account, for events and such and the one I play with my friends on.

I have decades of experience playing games, I have been a top Halo player on console and a top FPS player in many games on PC.

Pharmercy is a very powerful combo, a combo being rewarded for teamwork. Add to that the mechanics of being on inferior controls like a pad, and the spam like nature of her, the only other easy hero on console is Genji. Just spam movement abilities to juke console aim.

So I know plenty. Also, with years of Quake, Doom and Unreal, Pharah is the “home turf” for a lot of skilled rocket projectile players from many games.

Look, you seem to be doing ok on widow, your accuracy could improve, maybe get a mouse and keyboard and join the rest?

But just give the scan hit players chance to adapt to the new fall off buff. :wink:

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I will not join the MKB scum. At that point I’d rather play on PC.

What is there to adjust to with the hitscan buffs? It’s a number difference. Pharmercy will not be effected at all, I promise you. I’ve seen 11 seasons pass, and more then half have been Pharmercy meta. It’s not going to change just because of 20% more minimum damage.


The range at which they shoot, the angles they can now take effectively, learning to use deadeye now it can hit her at max range, understanding that visor can now drop her before she falls to safety from certain heights. It does not happen instantly.


He is 3900 sr.

He is not asking how to counter pharahmercy.


Depends on whether or not you count the Ally Aim Assist being given to Ana. If you do, then that would be the last change regarding this. If you don’t, then you’d be correct.

i read the topic, but the best thing i can give is advise on how to stop her

Pharah is hardly a problem on console. Also if you say pharmercy is a problem on console please specify which one because usually most mean PSN, but they say both even though it is hardly a problem on xbox.


No the pros wouldn’t because they play on PC. Why should console balance have anything to do with what some Youtubers wants to talk about, that’s absurd?

You keep the patch notes separate by having a separate patch note for console, which they already do on the rare occasion they fix some console bug.

They promised separate balancing as part of the marketing, they should deliver.

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it’s not that strong even. A good hanzo or McCree can shut it down by themselves. A widow can do it rather easily too. heck torb turrets are more OP then pharmercy on console.

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Blizzard can’t get the PC changes right, don’t have any high hopes for them to take time and look into console changes.

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You cannot be serious.