@Blizzard, please stop this matchmaking

Can you please give us the old matchmaking back? YOU KNOW, the one which worked verry well LOL.

Stop developing this pile of trash and call it “mAtChMaKiNg”. Even minecraft bedwars has better matchmaking.

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It never worked well.
The scoreboard just exposed it how bad it is and 5v5 made the matches even more 1 sided.

Blizzard gotta take notes from Hypixel

The old Matchmaker worked because in the beginning there was nothing but Open Queue. This was fine to balance the teams based on a TEAM overall MMR. When then introduced Role Queue they never changed the matchmaker so you would get Role Diffs. In 6 v 6 1 bad tank didn’t ruin the game.

in 5 V 5 1 bad tank is an instant loss. Since they still used the old Open queue Matchmaker you could get a Silver tank vs Plat and they would consider the match equal if they gave you a Plat Support and them a Silver Support.

Wait for Season 3 and we will see if this goes away. I’m sure the amount of Streak’s that happen should stop. If they don’t then they are using a EOMM and are lying through their teeth about it.

What the hell do the scoreboard have to do with the matchmaking? Its exposing nothing, I played for a long time OW1 and I never had that bad matches in one day like in ow2.
This scoreboard doesnt even work properly. Solo kills dont count as solo kills in most situations and now you getting blamed for flanking and not doing 20k dmg - wtf and yes thats true stories here.

Im pretty sure you never played QP or even ranked in OW1. There you got good matches - not every match was perfectly balanced but the most.

Did blizzard not said “we will fix matchmaking in season 1 and 2”? Pretty sure they said it.

Blizzard has NEVER made a matchmaker that worked well because they use individual performance metrics for GROUP matchmaking. It’s a false premise.

You didn’t had them because there was no way to see that your team has 0 eliminations while the enemy has double digit.

The adjusted new players by placing them in Bronze 5 vs Gold. Everything else was not changed.

Season 3 is suppose to have Role MMR mirroring.

Issue is for 3 years after Role queue was added they still used the Open Queue Matchmaker.

Team based MMR is fine if you don’t know what the player is going to select. Role queue needed mirrored MMR based on Roles.

The matchmaker is pretty much the same as it was in OW1. They’ve discussed a couple incremental improvements, but that’s as good as it’s gonna get. The change you’ve seen in stompiness are because of 5v5 and the other design changes in OW2.

Seems like you are the one who already sleeps xD

It’s broken because you would get a low MMR tank vs a High MMR tank and the Supports would be balanced the same. In 5 v 5 that an instant loss for the team with the low MMR tank.

In season 3 if they don’t lie and design it as promised every role has a similar MMR counterpart. Of course it’s still open for debate they have a clue how to rate players but in essence the more you win the higher your MMR is going to be so eventually it’s going to normalize.

In the past the more you won the stupider you teammates where because it was Team based MMR and they gave you a 1 high ELO player with 4 newbs vs 5 regular players and called it balanced.

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