Blizzard: PLEASE Reset SR's each season


I realize that the team that runs this game probably won’t read this but as there seems to be nowhere to contact directly with this kind of feedback:

Bit of story time, Skip the quoted section if you want to get to the point I’m using this as context for:

Season 10 I started in gold, 2026. It was my return from a ranked hiatus where I had reached 2241 before that. I loved playing in gold as a support main. I enjoyed the crap out of it, I played with people who understood to protect their supports from the diving winston. Who understood that “We need someone to change to hitscan because that pharah is wrecking us and no one can stop her.” Who made shot calls, worked together, and played to win as a TEAM! Was I good enough to be in diamond, probably not, but I was okay with getting better over time and reaching it eventually.

Then I hit a losing streak with the at-the-time brand new LFG system, not recognizing warning signs that teammates weren’t going to work well together. It resulted in a series of losses that dropped me to 1970. After several games of win-followed-by-loss without reaching above 2000 again, the game program itself dropped me to 1800 by default and locked me into Silver. I’ve been stuck there ever since. Constantly running into either allied teams that don’t work together as well as the enemy team, or running into enemy teams that have used the LFG system to derank themselves to silver so they can troll everyone else with vastly superior playing. (And fellow forumers, DON’T YOU DARE try telling me people don’t derank themselves I send reports to Blizzard about it every time I open up LFG and spot one. I see those groups daily.)

Finally I gave up and decided to start fresh next season. Season 11 placements put me at 1900. Just outside of gold, figured I could get back in. But then I kept playing thinking things would get better, and ended up with the same thing that happened last season. Plenty of wins, yes, but more losses resulting in a loss of drive and energy. Net result, 1789 at the end of the season.

So I waited for Season 12 and tried again. Made the mistake of doing my placements right after reset when all is chaos, and I ended up with 5 wins 5 losses, and my SR landed right at 1790… Right where I left off last time. That’s when this video gets posted by Blame the Controller:

Placement matches DON’T RESET YOUR SR so you can have a blank slate?! You can only get MAYBE an extra 100 SR over your last season’s ending point, IF you manage to play exceptionally well?! I’m going to be bogged down by my past seasons for the entirety of my time playing overwatch unless I buy a fresh copy of the @#$% game?!

Blizzard, I am a support main. We don’t make the big plays unless we give up healing, helping team position, protecting allies, etc. in order to play like we’re not supports. It’s our teammates, the dps’s and tanks, that make the plays - we just keep them alive and make it happen. But I can’t rely on my team in silver, which as it turns out is the low-end 25-40% of the community. There’s no teamwork for me to support, no coordination to work off and pull a win. My only chance at getting back to the ranks that I know I belong in, based on my past gameplay and rankings, was (I thought) the placement matches giving a fresh start.

At this point I don’t want to play ranked ever again, knowing that the game’s own system is going to keep me from getting back to gold. Knowing that the current placement system REWARDS people for spending money on new copies of the game to start over with, meaning it’s literally a pay to win game. And if I’m disheartened you can bet there’s a lot of other support players who are, and likely many DPS, Tanks and Flexes too.

Please, change the Placement system to reset our rankings every season. Otherwise if all I’m going to get is MAYBE an extra 100SR above my past season then I’m done with ranked, and you’ll likely lose (and have already lost) a lot of other players out of ranked who are in the same boat I am.

I’m not asking to be put back to the ranking I know I am good enough to be in, I’d be happy to earn my way back on a clean slate. But we need that opening to do so, and the current placement system clearly doesn’t allow it. So please, give us resets at the start of each season, otherwise what’s the point of having placements in the first place?

Thank you for your time.

Yeah because it’s so much fun to play with gms and bronze in the same games…

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People down in silver and bronze are already dealing with that thanks to derankers. Should they be punished for someone else being a jerk and smurfing/deranking?

i fail to see how an SR reset removes jerks and smurfs from the game

it’s just a few weeks of total chaos and then everything is what it was like before

no thanks, spare me the chaos


You’re right, it won’t remove them from the game. That’s a separate issue. But the players who suffer because of that are being punished further by never being able to start fresh.

you can get a new account to start fresh, but don’t expect a massive difference

Watch the video I posted. Tons of people are doing exactly that, and have seen huge results. Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and CONTINUING to rise in rank after getting out of where they’ve been stuck. There’s a huge difference between doing first-time, blank-slate placements and doing placements after a season has ended.

well it might take more effort to put in an old account than just using a new one

but it’s not like you can’t climb on one and easily get diamond on the other. anyone telling you they do is a liar.

Atleast make it optional, i’d rather not play with a bunch of low rated players that believe they belong so much higher, if you truly belong at a higher rank then you will climb.

you realize the current SR system is the result of 12 seasons of sorting??? im too tired to explain why, think about it for a few seconds

I think an mmr reset would be nice, but it would be a real mess.

Maybe blizz will add a reset like cod has, instead of prestiging you reset your account. You do lose all of your achievements and cosmetics in cod btw.

Sr doesnt matter, its the mmr that needs reset. Better yet the mmr system that determines where u belong should be restructured.

The only reset I want is a soft reset. Your MMR is the same as it was and the amount of games you win/lose in your placements determines how much SR you have gained/lost from last season

I think placements are an issue because they’re basically pointless but I do not think an MMR reset is the solution. It would just cause chaos and I guarantee everyone will be close to where they originally were. I have 2 accounts that I play support on and they’re always within a few hundred sr of each other. Supports have a massive impact even if it doesn’t seem that way. Ana hitting a grenade on the enemy can win fights and zen can do crazy damage and assist teammates in getting kills.

Imagine the very first game in a hard-reset season, and the teams end up looking like the following:

(All listed ranks would be from the previous season)

This can happen because Comp never actually took ANY other game modes’ MMRs into account, even though a lot of people keep saying that they do. - JAKE taking a fresh account, where he was playing against GMs and Masters in QP as he hit Lvl 25 on that account - Jeff saying that Comp MMR is separate
Also, you could get to Lvl 25 and become Comp-eligible without ever having played QP, so Arcade-only or even Practice vs AI-only.

Now, with that all being said, since everyone is hard-reset, literally the entire playerbase starts at the same point. As a result, sorting the ranks out would take a VERY long time.

Think Seasons 1 and 2 (3-month seasons at the time). Obviously, everyone started at the same place in Season 1 because Season 1. It took the great majority of Season 1 to get some kind of sorting out since matchmaker was also really loose at the time, not to mention even looser grouping rules (Under the SR1-100 format, a 50SR difference between the lowest and highest SRs on the team was allowed, translating to basically a GM-low Silver allowed grouping).

And then came Season 2, where the ranking system was changed from SR1-100 to SR1-5000. What happened in this season was that it was not quite a full-reset, but the ranks were very compressed. (Mercer said only a little bit, but the ranks actually ended up more than “a little bit” compressed than he expressed)

Took nearly the entirety of Season 2 to sort out the ranks again as a result, and so many games were so bad for everyone. And THAT is why they don’t want to full-reset, ever. You could make the argument that maybe once every 5 seasons to something like once every 2 years would be ok, but not EVERY season, especially when seasons now are only 2 months.

if you’re a 1900 player last season

hate to break it you but you’re most likely still 1900 next season, you can improve between seasons and gain maybe 200+ sr by winning every single game but most likely you’re still the same player

i don’t understand what you’re arguing about, if you’re a gold player you would be gold by now