Blizzard, please fix this, why

It is going to be that way until fewer people are queuing for DPS or more people are queuing for Tanks.

Even Support queue times are quite long since they are still waiting on Tank players to hit that queue button.

I’ve been sitting in Mid Masters this season and I’ve been thrown into Top 500 Games and Diamond games. Rarely do I ever get a game that is all masters across the board.

What time did you queue? Because I don’t feel a lot of people would be tanking in the wee hours of the morning.

This was literally less than 10 minutes ago. I was on a winstreak too, after multiple GM games.

:thinking: I mean it does happen at a lot of ranks.

I’ve had Bronze and Low Silver players in my Gold games.
Golds in my high plat to low Diamond games. Then I’ve had high Masters and low GM players when I was Mid Diamond.

That was all pre role queue mind you. So the only real other factor then was what time you queued. Now with role queue it’s that plus player/role demand.

Ah but back in the day, or at lower ranks it only happens once in a blue moon.

Now, every time I solo queue I am guaranteed 1 Diamond game and that is just unacceptable.


Oh this makes me feel physical pain for you. I’ve been struggling with QP matchmaking and even though it’s absolutely dog chocolate at least it’s not the competitive mode. I quit playing competitive back in S5 due to losing multiple placement games to smurfs and toxic throwers as I wanted to wait until Blizzard addresses either matchmaking or smurfing properly and here I still am not playing competitive, but with getting to play a lot with GMs in QP lately I’ve been warming up to the idea of picking up competitive.

Thanks for showing me though that it’s still such a joke that I’m not going to touch it with a 10m pole :slight_smile:


But why tf would I queue as a tank when this happens? It happens everywhere in Overwatch and everyone in high tier games is complaining about it

Want to know why so few tank players are actually left in the game? Because while the game was on a long recession period losing it’s playerbase steadily they decided to release Sigma in a state that was more busted than Brig 1.0 and Mercy 2.0 which turned the game into barrier watch because he was effective as a main tank AND an off tank. I enjoy playing Orisa a lot, but she isn’t fun to play against double barriers because all you did was barrier duty and occasional pull as a soft-CC. (Now she’s more fun to play in double barriers because they actually break though). So with that in mind if you queued into the tank role and don’t enjoy playing Sigma: You were going to have a miserable time playing the game regardless because if you didn’t pick those heroes you were basically throwing the game. It was the same as playing GOATS except GOATS was more fun because each of the tanks actually had a meaningful active impact on the game and didn’t have to rely on having the better DPS

All in all Sigma 1.0 has been just as harmful release to the game as Brig 1.0 especially since he was introduced right after role queue was put into the game which very much highlights the issue of not having tank players in the game

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Yeah it gets pretty bad. Even on my Diamond acc I have gotten 2 GM games this season.

Even after this, I proceeded to get 3 more diamond games last night.

Wait what? So does this mean that the game is completely broken or that the game is just completely dead? :thinking:

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Basically, I think this is their fix to the 20 minute DPS queue times (although guess what, that isn’t fixed much either)

So in an effort to get as many games and as even as possible, you get all the lower sr tanks moving up to match with high sr DPS and healers

While all the good tanks move to low sr games. This prevents teams from being too stacked.

On very very good days there are multiple top 500 lobbies and I guess there haven’t been many, especially with all the OWL players moving all over the world rn.

As to answer ur question, I’d say both

Ok so considering that, how are they ever going to even recover from this? I mean more and more players are just quitting by the day because stuff like this happens and even though the game is now more fun because it’s tempo based, the DPS power creep issue with an insane TTK nowadays is very bad sometimes. Where are they going to get all the new high tier players to fill the lobbies? I don’t think that introducing OW2 with the new PvE mode is going to get enough players in the game not to mention have players dedicate themselves to the game enough to reach high tier when those high tier players are constantly having to complain about all the bull chocolate that is constantly going in the game?

Maybe I should just pick up the DS series and have a long vacation from the game because the future of it doesn’t seem any brighter :confused:

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Only 2 (maybe 3 although the 3rd is controversial) things they can do right now.

Shut down the DPS creep like you said. Heroes like Mei, Hanzo and Reaper are unstoppable right now.
This also includes completely rebalancing for 2-2-2.

Make a cap for matchmaking. You should not be getting players more then 400-500 sr under you (for GM/t500) and then you can tighten the sr disparity as you get to more populated ranks. I should not see rank 1 mouffin who was 4600 get a 3700 in his games. Please.

3rd thing is mmr reset, and right NOW. Although the game could also do without one, there are so many people who got insanely inflated by broken heroes like release Brig, Sigma Orisa etc. And we have 0 super abusable heroes rn.

Even in plat there are people shooting up from 1500 to plat in a matter of hours one tricking Orisa. It’s bonkers, because these people can’t actually play the game to said level.

It all rides on this patch and the patch after. These next 2 balance notes will define the longevity of the game for both casuals and esports.

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I’ve noticed a trend in the past few days. The enemy team has players who cooperate and perform well together, while the teams I end up with are afraid to move forward even with barriers.

Why is this exactly? Why is everyone so afraid to move forward?

When 1 in 10 games I have are full of MASTER level players who are afraid to move forward, what does that say about rank? What does that say about ANYTHING the matchmaker tries to do?

It feels totally rigged when you end up with golds/plats against masters. When I get 5 or 6 games in a row of masters and win every one, I’m for some reason paired with silvers and golds, expected to carry. It’s seriously racking my brain as to WHY this is happening.


It’s closer to the fact that the tank/support population is so low, that the matchmaking is trying to get everyone fitted into a game as quickly as possible, because one population is more than three times greater than the other two populations.

Pick one:

Current scenario of player way outside your “SR” in your games but 2-2-2 role queues.


People with closer “SR” but no forced 2-2-2.

2-2-2 100%.

I would take 30 minute tank queues if it meant we had 2-2-2, non role lock was far too cancer to go back to.

Now if only they were tighter with the matchmaker :confused:

Then you don’t get to complain.

They can’t be tighter on the matchmaker because 1: the concept does not work for team games. 2: They do not have the playerbase to support it, nor do I think the it is even possible for said playerbase to exist.

Of course I get to complain. Its a problem with the system that needs to be fixed. Why would I not try to improve it? Queues would only get 5-10 mins worse than they already are.

It’s a system that is completely broken. There is no fixing it, only tossing it in the dumpster and starting anew. And the reason for that such a wide band is because there are already players waiting 10+ minutes (which is already over 9 minutes too long to go from menu to game) so their search parameters are taking the first available people to fill the role.

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Not to many more knobs they can adjust at this point. Only other option is to remove max latency from the matchmaker allowing it to pull players globally but that also causes its own set of issues.