Retired OWL pro Seagull reads official developer comments on “ELO hell” and explains how to “get out of bronze 5” or climb in rank.
Yes, thank you! I hope they get better now at the game.
Why would anyone care about a Blizzard official response to anything at this point? Their credibility is basically zero.
The one thing that this makes me think, is that they actually do pay people to post on the forums and simp for them. It’s almost verbatim what a few posters on here have said. I can’t comment on “elo hell” or whatever cause its pretty vague. Match quality though is pretty piss poor though, and winning more than you lose doesnt always translate to ranking up, though with recent updates maybe thats guaranteed now?
IDK man, normally if you see me around here I have 2 modes. I’m either extremely helpful/informative and sympathetic to w/e is being discussed and even offering my battle tag so we can link up in game so I can help you out…
I’m a huge troll and I just want to incite the masses into a rage
Me reposting this is some where in the middle for me lol. IMO most people will see this and just realize if they want to climb they just need to be a better “constant factor” in all of their games. The others will see this and will rage and seethe that it isn’t their fault they are where they are at, its the smurfs, cheaters, and leavers which ruin all of their games.
I’ve played since 2017 and I came up from bronze like most people and I still have yet to quite reach masters (i’m D1 currently). IMO this season I feel like around 70-80% of my games feel “fair” while the other 20ish% feel like they are complete landslides one way or the other (cuz the leavers / cheaters / smurfs and what have you).
EDIT: and as far as simping for blizz… maaan that one hurt lol. Aside from the 5 bucks + 20 dollar gift card I used in 2017 to buy the game blizzard has never gotten another dollar from me lol.
You wouldnt copy the same stuff posted by simps on the forums in an official post as an official post unless it were already a company line. It was directed at you personally but the video and what blizz posted.
you lost me. idk what you mean man lol i reposted cuz its funny/true/informative
i was commenting on the video itself, idk why you think im talking about you specifically
idk what you video commenting. idk think specifically you talking me.
what do?
EDIT: what for you is?
2nd edit: After re-reading and fact checking everything I conclude with: who are what for you’re comment about specific video?
They’re just saying that the only way an official post and a random person online can say the same thing is if the company is paying the random online person. They’re just trying to say that there is no possible way that two unrelated people can both say the same true thing. Of course, there’s an obvious flaw in the reasoning there.
I appreciate the explination, I figured they were kinda going for that but tbh I was mentally checked out from it lol. This post was kinda satire on my part so I expected responses like this but I’m not seriously gonna try to debate people about it. They aren’t even my words lol. I just think its funny and somewhat informative.
If anyone cared to go through my history I’m usually just trying to be helpful around here anyways… that or a troll
oh youre trolling gotcha
bro I thought you were trollin first haha
I tried that but I still deranked with a positive win rate.
bonhomme it’s possible seagull goes on to laugh about this statement and claims its inaccurate, its possible there is more context to it. I didn’t post this to be like the definitive answer to all the bronze 5 problems. I’ve definitely responded to you before with tons of helpful information / guides / advice / links to help you improve and still I’d offer to help you in game some time by maybe spectating you or something.
How many total games on the role you’re referring to have you played, and how many have you won? (not your hero win rate or w/e win rate it says in your profile but actual number of games played vrs won) and what is your current rank? (just curious).
Do you want me to link you to some more helpful posts again?
And keep in mind winning 5 and losing 0 isn’t a FOR SURE rank up… nor is something like a 5-1 ranking you down not going to be unheard of… (although I seriously doubt that happens often and if it does I’m guessing that would really only be happening to newer accounts or something drastic like 1 trick accounts).
If I’m b5, then why was I b1 earlier in this season and in silver in the past? I haven’t played since then. I stopped playing. Every season I got out of b5 with 1 or 2 games. I know what I saw. I deranked to b5 with a few 5-4 games after having 87% in b1. Regardless of wins and losses it always said b5 71%. This happened 9 times until I quit. I had games where I went 10-0 too.
I’m gonna add you, let’s see if we can figure this out then
They might have fixed the bug. I’m not seeing the same complaints anymore. I created a new account to play on to avoid this bug. I plan to play next week. Lost all my skins, but I cannot stand being forced into b5. I bet I hit gold on that account.
I sent you a friend request.
9 rank assessments means a minimum of 45 games played with 0 losses or ties and no rank up would be nuuuuuuts. I’m guessing you had something like 40 or 45 losses so your rank would remain the same but let’s have a look
I don’t know, but my win rate on my main (Brig) is 60%. I only swap her when needed. All the others are over 50% and close to 60%. I’m probably not playing on that account anymore. I did blame myself at first until I did 10-0 and it said b5 71% for the 9th time. I immediately dropped the game. Brig did drop from 87% in b1 to 60% though after going into b5 hell.
I missed them, and appreciate you trying to help. I watch a top 500 Brig main and learned from guides in the past.