Blizzard non Mercy players are talking to you

we need that megathread again… pretty pls blizzard

dont talk to them… its not worth it.


Aight. Gotchu bud, thanks.

Most of them are opening threads with variations on discussion of Mercy if I’m not mistaken? If you don’t like it then you’re welcome to use the ‘mute’ option in each thread. This is what I did when there was no Brigitte megathread a while ago when there was an influx of ‘Brigitte is OP’ threads.

So you want people you disagree with corralled into a small space where they can be easily ignored?

I think the thread count in the forum should reflect the interest in a particular topic, and if half the people (example number) want to talk about Mercy, that’s what half the threads should be about. Anything else gives anyone who looks through the titles a false sense of what the community considers important.


This is just a troll response to

Blizz listen... Mercy Players are talking to you


You know what, fine but I demand that all heroes have a megathread where all threads are forcefully thrown into regardless of how much they relate to the character, and so we can all be equally ignored in our own megathreads


Well said, I couldn’t have said better myself :slight_smile:.


You guys are ignored anyways. As actually most things on this forum, why have unnecessary spam?

I agree, by the way.


Thanks we know

So lets make a megathread for everything so we don’t have to see other peoples opinions

I ask the same question about these threads, especially since they only ever seem to be about mercy posts by mercy mains if its say a nerf mercy post or a huge amount of nerf brigitte posts for example, well I didn’t see you make a thread like this when that was going on and it flooded the forums even worse than the mercy threads


Well, people used to spam Hanzo threads over and over again but I guess that was way Möre constructive.

Yes, you people spamming to try to shut down mercy discussion is really funny.

especially when you people complaining about mercy feedback are the ones spamming and not the people who your complaining about who are just having a discussion.

Almost every thread like this one has been taken down as spam.

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Hanzo threads?

Nerf Hanzo (current) ones, or nerf scatter?
Either way they weren’t Hanzo players making them, and were actually true giving how a) scatter got reworked and b) Hanzo after rework and nerfs still does too much.

I want equality if this gets taken as spam. All Mercy thereads have to go down too.

Mercy threads aren’t spam though.


She isn’t bottom 50% of the cast, even not the “bottom” 80% in pickrate, look at heroes that have 1/10 of Mercy’s pickrate need complaints not her.

Nevermind that lots of all these Mercy threads are rework ideas = constructive

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Which more than half is “bring back mass rez” or “Valkyrie is a budget spectator mode” at least take repeats.

From what one was said is not Comming back, and the second one is doubting developers work put into the ultimate.

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10nerfs in and Mercys pickrate is way higher than when she vad mass rez, how is this a succesful rework? They are just stating facts. If blizzard responded they would most likely shut up. Which would be smarter thsn locking every mercy thread.

And lots of the rework ideas include valk on E, charging up two different ultimates, reduce the numbers of people you vän rez during mass rez, Making rez valk only etc.

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