Blizzard Never Resets MMR? No Decay? Why Not?

The last time I played this game somewhat seriously was in season 2. TWO!

I was in Master ~3500-3750 MMR.

Sometimes I’d end up playing against or with top 500 players.

Then I stopped playing. Maybe 200 hours played between quick play and competitive.

Think I did my placements for season 3 and 4, then nothing more for both.

Hadn’t played the game until last summer and the of few placements I did, I was in the same MMR bracket. Immediately uninstalled.

I just tried picking up the game again. Same problem! First match the other team’s average was like 3900 MMR.

There are something like 9 heroes I’ve had 0 practice with whatsoever. Clueless as to how many new maps there are. I don’t know the meta. To say I’m rusty is in understatement. I have a close to zero percent chance of being effective in any meaningful way.

I am literally ruining my teammates games and experience doing placements.

I uninstalled again.

This is not fun. I’m not having fun. My teammates aren’t having fun. The other team probably enjoys an easy win, but that’s not fun imho.

I really don’t want to have to lose something like 20+ games in a row [or win by being carried so extremely hard] to be at the MMR I almost definitely should be.

That’s 27 seasons between the last time I was a regular player who followed every update, played with friends [as much as a full 6-stack], and had much better reflexes to be honest.

I think it would be ridiculous [and against ToS, EULA, whatever guidelines, etc.] to make a smurf account just to be where I should be TODAY.

Truthfully, I don’t want to play quick play and that’s what it boils down to. A smurf or whatever dubious alternative account would have to hit I believe level 25 to queue competitive anyhow. I wouldn’t/couldn’t be motivated to do that either.

As it stands, there’s no reason to come back to this game without having a reset. Everyone’s experience is sub-par to say the least. Easily less than ideal.

I’m not saying Blizzard needs to have a full/hard MMR reset either, but at least give the option for a returning player to opt-in to a reset of some kind.

I apologize to my teammates and such for their ruined games. Can’t blame them for being upset. I know I would be too.

To be honest, I probably won’t follow this thread because I extremely doubt it’ll reach anyone who can do anything about it’s eyes/ears.

I just wanted to provide some insight and perspective from my personal experience as someone who was an OG player that’s thought about and tried getting back into their game [more than once].

I’ve taken massive amounts of time off from Rocket League, but that game has the equivalent of 1 map and maybe 5 or 6 hitboxes across multiple vehicle body types. The core game is unchanged. The mechanics are identical. There’s not much new to learn [if anything]. The old is easy to pick back up.

Overwatch is nothing like that getting back into it. It’s quite the opposite. Very little is the same. The few things that are the same aren’t enough to really grasp a hold of and cling onto while getting a feel for everything else that’s new/different.

I don’t want to change the core of the game to make it easier for new/returning players. I’d just like my true skill level of today to align with my PSR/MMR of today [and not basically 3 years ago] without ruining games and wasting a lot of time.

Not to mention the negativity and toxicity that is sure to follow losing say 20+ games out of probably 25 to even get close to that number. Especially when you know it’s your fault.

I don’t know about you, but climbing is a way more preferable experience than falling.

This is very disorganized, but if you took the time to read my ramblings, cheers to you.


They should do a reset at the very least before overwatch 2 releases.

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How many games did you play? The MMR confidence interval decays with time allowing the system to quickly make adjustments to your MMR after returning to the game.

I understand not wanting to ruin games for your teammates. Hopefully you won’t have to lose 20 times in a row to find your current MMR.

So does deliberately placing low garner consistent easier matches (and vice-versa)? Can it affect rank in the end?

They “accidentally “ reset us once and it was a total dumpster fire

When? When did this happen

After the role que beta

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That explains so much after the role queue I rose like 400 Sr in open queue but in role queue I stayed around the same area. One tricks will climb higher I guess.

Yeah it was only for a few days but people went nuts cause people were placed all over the place.

So… I’m going to necro my own thread because I’m having the exact same problem again. Should I just make a smurf at this point because it’s as unfun as it could possibly get losing every game even in unranked. :confused:

EDIT: to clarify, I’ve only played unranked this time around and my PSR is still unbelievably out of whack with my actual skill level of today, right now. MMR I’m sure would be the same.