Switch to play around your OTP if you’re a paragon of team playing.
Why do I have to gamble in my games because of OTP? I personally prefer to put all chances on my side
Why should I switch to fill their selfish behaviour? Whenever i played with OTP players ive always had very bad game and experience
Ofc blizzard should balance their game or just put OTP as gameplay sabotage in competitive mode that will resolve everything.
Because that is the way the game is fundamentally designed. That is one of the challenges presented to you to overcome, and it is another avenue for player skill expression and a showcase for the difference between Overwatch and a more generic FPS. As an asymmetrically-balanced hero shooter, it has the element of chance built in to it as it matches you with player mains of different strengths and weaknesses. Overwatch is like a game of Poker, which itself is a game of chance, but also a game skill. You sound like a Poker player who would prefer always holding a hand of cards of your own choice, instead if having to play the hand you are dealt. If that is the that case, then maybe you should make some Overwatch friends and group with them only, and eliminate the random teammates dealt to you by the matchmaker.
And yet somehow they are still the same rank as you while ‘sabotaging games’…
Yeah, they are hardstuck and holding people back that’s why
You gamble on teammates every game, their skill, their awareness, their willingness and ability to communicate efficiently, their luck, their previous games’s emotional impact, and if you’re in europe, wether or not they speak English or are they monolingual in one of 50 different languages in used in Europe?
At least with a onetrick you know immediatly what they’re good at and what not.
If you were actually a team player you’d then base your pick around that, but having otp’d myself I can pretty confidently say you probably see the onetrick, pick anything that does not support them whatsoever(e.g if pharah onetrick, ofcourse our healers gotta run moira lucio.)
and then you’ll be amazed at your self fulfil prophecy coming true when you continually harass them so much it impacts their ability to actually play well.
Hell, maybe you’re even one of those guys who has to lie in team chat/match chat about how bad you are and that you have a negative winrate on said hero even when anyone with eyes can see it is +50%.
Or maybe you’re one of those who demand others report onetricks for their sheer gall to not switch.
If so, learn to read.
It says unwillingness to change heroes is NOT gameplay sabotage, even though you’ve probably managed to report hundreds of people for it and still manage to miss reading this part every time:
“Gameplay sabotage is not: Simply making a mistake, playing poorly or an unwillingness to change heroes.”
It’s been like this for 7 years and you all still cannot grasp that single reality.
Play, make the best of it, stop trying to control your team and maybe there might actually be a few less d’s in this community to ACTUALLY spoil the fun, unlike your imagined slights.
That’s true, and why do i have to add another parameter in the gambling part, as if it’s not enough!
Why should I in the first place? Just become one trick myself if this is what everyone want at this point!
I don’t know why people are so mad about saying OTP destroying the game, yes you are destroying games for people who are trying and don’t ask generous people to fill a role they didnt want to just because you’re selfish person!
This is why i said in my title if you learned to read Blizzard need to do something about OTP players
They have stated a few times that they dont encourage players to 1 trick and would rather people mastering several heroes.
Even though they dont encourage 1 tricking i dont think they would ever punish people that do this.
I like to instalock and play the heroes i like to play as well, BUT if the hero i desperately want to play isnt working out, i have no issues switching to another. And that is easier for me because i dont 1 trick any hero. I have several “favorites” i usually play in my hero pool.
Also “my” issue with 1 tricks is that they have the worst opinions and takes as far as game balancing. Because they want the whole game’s balance to revolve around their niche hero they 1 trick.
my problem is when to switch. i am stubborn at times and i stick with a guy till the round is over or an objective point loss. i hardly swap within a round or in between getting to the first checkpoint. guess thats why i was gold when i played comp
i notice all the savy players switch to lucio, hammond, or tracer/bastion/doomfist on payload maps right when they are gonna lose the game. sometimes it works
I dare you, no switching, and don’t pick the meta heroes because I’m certain it’s off meta onetricks annoying you.
You’ll probably fold the second your own team starts bullying you, or you get hardfocused by counters.
You seem to be under the delusion that all onetricks have is fun, but the amount of bullsit they have to deal with from their own team and the enemy team can be staggering.
But the games where your team is willing to work with you, even slightly make it all worth it.
So do the compliments when you do something absolutely insane and make it seem routine, even if you’re potentially whiffing shots 5 seconds later.
The compliments you get from the enemy are the best though.
And what’s even better is staying a positive winrate on a onetrick even when
10% of your games someone gives up immediatly or throws,
20% of the time someone demands you switch right away
30% of the time someone ignores, distorts or straight up lies about stats, reality and facts to fit their own prerogative
40% of the time one of the above will attempt to get either your own or the enemy team to blame you like they have nothing better to do.
50% of the time… you win. or more.
That is the point of a ranking system.
A onetrick will be at a more appropriate rank than literally anyone else in a ranking system, since there are much less variables to consider and no significant gaps between heroes to cause wild fluctuations.
So you’re still just crying about nonsense.
Now go and do it, I dared you.
Just adapt to the OTPs who are pretty much gonna be a majority in OW2
If that’s the hero they enjoy… That’s up to them. Not you.
Introducing Role Queue on Overwatch made is so that we can’t do anything about OTPs since we can’t switch roles during a match (to compensate for the OTP). However, I don’t think this will be a problem in the future, the game will probably be less about counter-hero picking soon (maybe reworking roles or something, or simply removing counters altogether so each hero is fair in a 1 V 1 fight).
A loud portion of the Overwatch community has made it clear that they were all about solo carry and less team-play. Switching heroes is typically a team-based reasoning that doesn’t seem to be welcome anymore on the simplified version of Overwatch gameplay (once we’re dowgraded to PVP 2.0 with F2P OW).
As long as there are Role queues and roles, period, you will have to put up with OTPs and solo-play mentality but I’m sure this will be reworked sometime in 2023.
Be patient !
If a game has “niche” heroes, then the game is not balanced.
What you are describing is a situation that “YOU” put yourself into. Yet choose to remain in that situation even though this is causing problems for you and your teammates.
So basically in order for 1 tricks to work in OW, its a whole team effort most of the time.
Because you choose to 1 trick, the whole team has to now play a certain way or to cater to the 1 trick in order for it to work.
This is a form of taking your team hostage and making them play a certain way because you refuse to play anything other than your hero you 1 trick.
And in these situations where everyone is catering to you, you are having fun. You are having a blast when the rest of the team isnt. Very selfish mentality indeed.
Balance is an illusion. As that word means different things to everyone. The game can never be balanced in a way that everyone agrees.
There will alwyays be niche heroes in a game that first promoted different kind of gameplay, depending on the hero you choose. The game became less balanced because of all the changes the OW community has demanded over the years.
I remember when Symmetra was the perfect hero to countering Genji for instance (that was her primary use) but ever since they removed auto-lock beam, her purpose became more niche.
I agree. “Balanced” is a subjective term, especially in a game like Overwatch where there are roles and each hero having different abilities and a unique weapon. It will never be balanced and looking for said balance made OW1 a worse game over the years, sadly.
It’s on the community and streamers + pro players.
I’m not gonna do that because i’m not a selfish person who destroys others game simple as that, I sacrifice my pleasure of playing what i want to make the team win the game.
You’re literally inflicting this to yourself, who told you you have to play only one character anyway? Noone forces you to do that.
All OTP i know are just hardstuck OR when they were too strong for the meta they climb easily otherwise they are just destroying other’s game by not switching.
Finally the game doesn’t need any balance atm, because its a game where you can switch to not get roasted by others, it’s just like a chess game, you consistently choosing a counter to win.
Balance is not an illusion, that’s just post-modernist nonsense. This kind of nonsense repeated over and over by streamers literally almost killed the game as blizz decided they didn’t need to balance anything for an entire year and could just do hero pools instead. Thankfully, they realized that was a disaster and started ignoring the streamers while going back to actually balancing the game.
What you are talking about and what i said are two totally different things.
You are talking about constant game and hero tweaks in the form of balance patches and EX-cards.
That is not what im talking about.
Im talking about tweaking the game to what Feels balanced. Like what each person thinks in their head of how they would like the game to play and the heroes to play like.
That is different for every person. Everyone has different heroes they like and play that are different from the next person. They want their heroes to be strong and the heroes they hate to not be.
Each person also wants the game to play different. Some like OW to be heavily FPS based , some want it to be more MOBA.
And so on. There are many other factors.
So the game being completely “BALANCED” is an illusion that will never happen. As what Balance feels like and means, is different thing to every person.