✅ Blizzard make QUICKplay actually quick! Easy solution

Once a game is found, you have 3 seconds to choose a hero. 3 seconds later the spawn doors open and game starts. 3 seconds between rounds. People don’t like waiting! :fast_forward: :arrow_forward:

RIP people on defence


Simply spawn them closer to the first point or payload.

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Why are people in such a big rush to do everything in this game? i dont get it

i hate this mindset of “GoTta gO fAsT”

Kaplan’s recent post, about hero bans not being a thing, touched on this subject. I wouldn’t be surprised if it came to pass.

I do think most players open Overwatch primarily for the purpose of playing Overwatch. Minimizing the amount of time that players have to wait to play Overwatch while they’re in Overwatch would generally be beneficial, as long as it can be accomplished without taking away from the play experience.

Of course, a 3-second timer would remove any semblance of pregame planning, so I don’t think it meets that requirement.

Does anyone even do that in QP? I’ve never seen it.

3 seconds is really too fast. But yea it can be made faster to 15 seconds or so. This is slow enough to still kinda select hero synergies, but fast enough for impatient people.

And the 45 second timer for the defense team to set up can be reduced to 15 seconds as well, just give the defense team a 300% speed boost for the first 15 seconds after walking out of spawn for the first time in the game. Or teleport them straight to the point after selecting a hero.

The after-match stuff can be made significantly faster too. POTG is fun, but it’s possible to make it kinda similar to a movie’s credits: just play the POTG while also displaying the stats. Remove the cards, they don’t really serve a purpose. Instead add that to the endorsements sub-screen and highlight each player’s best stats during a match.

  • Rounds last 3 seconds
  • Respawns last 3 seconds
  • Ultimates charge every 3 seconds
  • We get a new balance patch every 3 seconds.

they already have quick play, you press quick play, you backfill a game, see victory or defeat screen, and you done , i’d say thats pretty quick