Blizzard is using EA shooter style progression (p2w)

I’m honestly not sure what the threshold for greed is anymore if I’m being honest.

It’s easy to point to examples of things that go too far (battlefront II for example) but even in this case by pointing out that Apex is worse than Overwatch, is it actually?

People whine all the time about it, but it’s one of the most popular titles out currently. And when the principles of the industry currently have their roots in practices back in games from the last few decades in which many of them have far more egregious practices even by comparison today.

I’m not trying to muddy the waters or make the argument convoluted, but if one example is more egregious than the latter, where’s the unsoiled lamb that we can look towards as an objective “good”?

A lot of people prop Nintendo up for some reason, but let’s remember they have a very public dedicated legal smear and attack squad for anyone they deem as stepping too far outside the line.

Nintendo is pretty scuzzy especially given their pretty outwardly friendly facade.

Apex Legends, GTAV, Most Sports titles

Yeah it’s so obvious. Some people also say that locking heroes for new accounts are so that they can’t smurf. If that’s the case, why does this bundle $20 hero bundle even exist? That’s the same price as OW1 that people paid for when they made smurf accounts.

It’s such a shame Blizzard are doing these questionable monetization choices. Why couldn’t OW2 be more like Fortnite where abillities and guns are not locked and they only monetize cosmetics?

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Just Consume Product

Wait so Blizzard is continuously removing cards from the standard playlist to force people to buy new packs. I thought it was a one time occurrence with a big update, but that is even scummier. :angry:

I’m glad you resisted spending money, I wish more people did the same, that’s the only way to stop greedy monetization.

Exactly, FortNite is one of the most profitable F2P games, even though none of their gameplay is grind-wall/pay-wall.

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Technically compared to reaper, soldier, mei they absolutely were harder to use at launch.