Blizzard is using EA shooter style progression (p2w)

If that were the case, why have a purchase option? Why not leave it as a grind?

The answer is obvious. It’s about the money. Nothing more.


It wasn’t accurate at all, so who cares? It gave tracer 2/3 stars. Same with junkrat. As if those 2 are anywhere near close to the same difficulty to pick up and play.

Yeah. Junkrat should have been a three considering the difficulty of landing a nade on fast characters or flyers.

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Yea. Junkrat is totally one of the hardest heroes to pick up for a new player.

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Glad we agree! :+1: :+1: :+1:

Oh we super duper do.

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jesus this is actually GROSS.

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not hard to spam chokes and doorways…that is what 99% of rat players do.

I’m aware, I was being sarcastic because of the other persons response. I do agree that hitting air shots fairly consistently after mine is difficult to do. But to be decent at the hero, especially as a new player, is one of the easiest things.

To give legitimate players the option to bypass the grind, or make people pay to smurf. I don’t see how it hurts to have buying them as an option as long as you can still easily unlock them for free, which you can. It is enough of a time commitment, though, that I don’t think it’s worth it to smurfs. And they’re unlikely to pay to smurf since the ranking system usually works pretty fast anyway and ends up placing them where they belong. A few lowbie stomping games might be worth it to some if accounts were free, but I don’t see smurfs paying for it.

So it’s not the same lol

I’m kinda curious what a generous EA title looks like though. A lot of people point at Apex, but it’s still leagues more grindy and requires more effort for little pay off than OW does at it worst.

Like nobody is defending either practice, but that doesn’t mean that you can place them on the same pedestal when one is clearly more forgiving than the other.

That’s because actual Pay 2 Win titles aren’t popular lol.

These pseudo P2W titles (abstractly or gray area) are wildly popular.

But they don’t fail every time. Their sports titles are more popular than ever. They’re massively controversial but hardly failures.

As for the OW2 stats, are you going off of what the July finance report said, or looking at actual stats? Because you’re missing huge swaths of data by only replying on what Blizzard said.

I disagree. Just because one can get away with more egregious levels of greed doesn’t excuse others.

EA is near the top of the pile so comparing near ANY company to them would result in a more favorable view.

The “it could be worse” excuse is what has allowed the AAA industry to push the boundary for the past decade.

Charging for heroes was unheard of in most respectable titles just a decade ago.

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Yeah it sucks.

Problem is, they are just following the market trends.

Should they take the moral high ground and find a better way… yes.

But why would they risk it, this system, as much as some find it sucky, works. And works annoyingly well.

I am starting to avoid online shooters. Those seems to have the worst value for effort/money monetizations even if we ignore the p2w element.

It’s the same crap they’ve been pulling in Hearthstone for years.

They remove cards from older packs from standard games so that “new players don’t have to get all the old cards” but in reality it is so all players, old and new have to keep buying the new packs in order to play standard.


At this point i think Blizzard is worse than EA, peak EA was Star Wars BF2 and the community forced them shove their mirotransactions and their “sEnSe of pRiDe aNd AcComPliShMeNt” up their bottom

Wow that’s terrible, but not surprising. :unamused: So all the people who spent real $$ on “older packs” are just get stuck with useless digital cards?

Well you can still play them but they shove all the old packs into a gamemode called “Wild”. It’s becoming a lot more popular now because standard is just so trash, but Wild didn’t use to be very popular as everyone wanted to keep up to date with the new cards.

Luckily I refuse to spend money on that pay to win game but it takes me so long to afford to craft a meta deck (playing anything that isn’t meta is instant lose) and then in a couple months time half the cards in that deck I made turn into Wild cards and now can’t be used in Standard.

Reminds me of the time when people compared Nintendo to EA.
They didn’t think that logic through.

You won’t find a highly successful game today which is literally pay to win.