Blizzard is not doing enough to stop Smurfs

Why would they? Every smurf account makes them money. Even the people who quit over it… already have paid so… eh…

I think Blizzard should re-enable performance based SR gains in platinum and below. This would move smurfs out of the low ranks quicker.

Wel hybrid high skill cap hero I assume you mean an aim intensive one, so how do you know it’s not someone who has played fps games in the past

what can blizzard do though?

Tbqh smurfs are what are putting me over the edge on wanting to quit this game.

This game has an enjoyable core, but the surrounding stuff is annoying and infuriating.

For me when I want a nice casual relaxing game of overwatch I don’t enjoy being put against a master tier player. I am very intentionally gold because I WANT TO RELAX AND HAVE FUN AND DO NOT WANT TO DEAL WITH DIAMOND + HARD CARRIES.

So when I encounter it?


I want to just quit. It flat out destroys the game for me and makes me regret even logging in. No one who plays this game should regret logging in.

“Blizzard is not doing enough to stop smurfs”

As I recall, Blizzard reps have explicitly stated they don’t find the action of smurfing or alternate accounts to be an issue.

So yeah, they’re not doing anything, it’s kind of a moot point.

Hypothetically they can do something about it on PC. However, it’s a Sony/Microsoft issue on console so even if Blizz wanted to do something about it, they couldn’t.

If I remember correctly, performance based SR is only disabled in ranks of Diamond and higher. Everything below Diamond is performance based.

No, thats not all you can do.

The only real way to fix this problem is to rank people up faster that have insane personal performance.

In bronze/silver there are people that literally carry and entire team getting almost every KB and having ults every 30 seconds. Its nuts.

So just rank them up much faster, and if they want to risk throwing to get back down, let them get banned for that.

Ranking up faster based on individual performance will go a LONG way in getting these people out of games where people just want an even match. I don’t give a crap about my rank, i just want a fun game. Its just as annoying when there is a smurf on my own team. Its just boring.

Im a silver player, been playing since the game came out, and I just want an even game. Sometimes ill go an entire night without an even match, whether its smurfs on my team or theirs, its ridiculous.

First couple seasons of this game were so much fun because these nerds hadn’t bought multiple accounts yet. Its a shame this game has been ruined for casual players.

This roughly translates to:

Some people are playing better than me and i am unable to improve.
Please delete those players accounts.

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LOL, no.

You are a weird human.

I’ve gotten that more than once. I’m comfortable dropping truth bombs where i go. :slightly_smiling_face:

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when you say that “the community loves to abuse the reporting system, as a result my main account is suspended for a while” what have you been reported for, I don’t know if they tell you what you have been reported or suspended for. as a lvl 410 player I have only been chat banned for being toxic in chat once, that is my only ban. so if you haven’t been doing any actual cheating or anything, what have you been banned for? legitimate question, if you aren’t doing anything that is actually against the rules, what have you been suspended for? maybe the community does love abusing the reporting system, but in that case me and some of my actually quite toxic friends have been pretty lucky to not be banned.

listen man, you seem to be defending smurfs just because your probably toxic and want to be able to keep being toxic and playing, just mute yourself, take some time, play on your main, and just play. tldr, shut up, don’t speak, and play.

pretty much a lie…

majority of people buy accounts to alt and learn another role, it will not be easy to detirmine who is smurfing and who is alting until role lock queue and role SR is a thing, also the amount of smurfs is and would be really low considering how many people are in M/GM/T500 and how many of them would be smurfing at any given time. In other words until blizzard comes up with a solution, which may never happen because they want money, get good.

Why would that want to? Some schmuck just paid them another $20. Plus he might even by dumb enough to pay more to buy the same cosmetics on that account.