Blizzard is getting sued for discrimination

Not here to defend Blizzard but those are pretty vague accusations. She doesn’t explain how she was “gaslit” and people are fired for underperforming at jobs all the time.

We don’t know about Overwatch, but what we know: Jeff was no small fish by any means, he had a lot of sway and influence in the company.
It’s very likely he knew what was going on and kept his mouth shut


what character will they make gay to try and sway the press away from this?
Seriously tho, it’s pretty disgusting what they did, i hate how every company pretends to be woke for a month but they are this bad behind the scenes.

Thankfully people are wisening up

While I do agree to an extent that saying you were gaslit is not proof enough, her HR accusation is very fair.

HR is not meant to say “Maybe you are just underperforming” when you go to them, reporting that your boss is falsely accusing you of underperforming. I don’t mean in work ethic, underperforming can mean in actual work product, of which there are records the boss has access to, and could even alter. If the allegations are true, this connection with HR and management makes a lot of sense.

HR is meant to then look into your product, and determine if you actually are underperforming, thats the whole damn point. If they say “maybe you are underperforming”, then thats a load of bull


Not at all surprised about this and I wouldn’t be surprised if more of their skeletons come spilling out of the closet as well. From the way they’ve handled stuff over the past 3-4 years it was obvious the company had gone rotten.

I think now that this lawsuit is out in the open it’s going to open the flood gates.

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Very likely. I like to believe he didn’t actually play a role in any of it, but he definitely knew what was happening. I can only hope he tried his best to stop it, and that his leaving was due to the fact he was sick of the workplace culture.

I’m probably wrong, but hey… one can hope, right?

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Yet they never did that before.

They never did that. Nobody ever did that before.

Stop spreading lies.

Cognitive dissonance strikes hard

I hope so too…

it’s not like soldier came conveniently after that scandal about the fake female streamer

there is no double standard, you gotta realize that context is different. Blizzard does a lot of fake lgbt bait to get press talking about them, but are actually rotten to the core.
You need to start disassociating corporate pr from actual people fighting actual causes

Sure, but it is exactly the kind of thing they would do, because they are a corporation that would not think twice about exploiting the LGBT community like that if it means giving them good press :+1:

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Considering Blizzard’s push for a preferred political party in the US, it surprises me that this is the kind of behavior that they then use while the curtains are closed.

But, I’m actually not surprised at all, because I’m aware of the projection of said political party.

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Soldier had a story line.

It’s a corporation, ya, but they are still helping the cause by including minorities.

ah, yes, mentioning in an interview that a character is lgbt completely overshadows the stuff they do internally. I can’t believe you can be this superficial, queerbaiting hasn’t cut it for the past 5 years.
Seriously, you deserve everything corporations do to you.

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Soldier had a whole story about his boyfriend. If he were talking about his gf there, you wouldn’t complain.

They mentioned it because people asked whether he is gay

What are they doing to me?

So? Chu could’ve written that story years before it was released. The higher ups could have prevented it from going out until there was a controversy big enough for them to let out the big reveal.

Realistically, there’s no way of knowing but I wouldn’t put it past them and you shouldn’t either. Corporations aren’t our friends.

christ almighty, the scene amounts to him holding a photo. The fact they had to specify it outside of the story that was his boyfriend should clue you in what the problem is.

because blizzard wouldn’t have made it a huge fuss about it. What people are angry is that blizzard acts like they are this lgbt friendly corporation when they didn’t even do the bare minimum regarding to him.
Seriously dude CONTEXT. Learn it.

I agree that they may do stuff like that to overshadow the bad stuff.

But I just don’t like how some people portay it. They act as if companies only include minorities like LGBTQ when they got bad press.

Did you read the comic? He is talking about his relationship and why it didn’t work. He was talking to Ana.

what what happened??

Some angry gamers harassed brigs VA because brig was op at launch. So it had nothing to do with blizzard, actually.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if they already have……if we are to believe that whatever prompted this was at least 2 years old……

And yes there are multiple sides to any situation and many people there are also now being vilified and stained because of this as well

Discrimination in a big company is like the least surprising surprising thing…it’s been a sad “norm” in work place society for decades now and I doubt this will be the first or last you will hear about it in your life time….

If you experience this I feel for you….

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