This isnt a “Im leaving, I know you all cared so much” post. This is me now coming to terms with how Im genuinely unable to care anymore about a game Ive played since 2016.
Normally Im happy to complain about anything and everything, I have the energy and the ability to articulate what I feel is ruining the game and why it ruins it.
But Ive stopped and scrapped the last like 10 posts about how deniability cooldowns are ruining the game, and how hero design is so dog water that almost every new addition genuinely pisses me off with how Blizzard cant seem to think further than “WOULDNT IT BE COOL IF-” because Im starting to detest this game so much I cant even put in the effort to cry about it on forums anymore.
And if a diehard player like me whose put who knows how many thousands of hours in the game cant even bother to cry about it anymore, this game is genuinely crumbling.
Take a break. The game isn’t in its best state as you probably know. Perhaps future patches will be more fun for you.
with the current condition of the gam they are better off scrapping it after the seaosn is done
Just go play something you like. I don’t know why everyone thinks they have to label the state of the game or the devs. You have no obligation to play. There are so many games out there.
The reality is that the game and Blizz will be fine as long as people are playing, and they are. The doomers don’t realize this, but their constant complaining about the game is actually helping to keep it relevant and visible to the people who aren’t still playing it.
I don’t think so. The core of the game is top notch.
Genuine question; when was the last time this game was in a good state? I would say maybe season 1-3 of OW2? But that even had a ton of issues. I have played since 2016 and the best times were seasons 3-7 after that Brig and Moira pretty much ruined the game for me.
Overwatch lives rent free in these peoples heads for some reason. I was a huge Fortnite fan from 2017 to 2020. Game was so fun. I played it every single day. The game got really boring after they started doing some bad updates and I haven’t played the game since. I don’t go cry about it on Fortnite forums though. I simply found other games to play
Play some MR on the side, that’s what I did, played OW2 like crazy for the Katara skin.
MR is more relaxed because you don’t have try hard players who will chase you all around the map for a petty kill.
its not top notch then why woudl season 14 have the lowest turnout yet the game is [retty much on lifesupport til the ceo pulls the plug
I think all live service games eventually have a ‘death’ for most of us. The game you are in love with right now is the game you love… but will it be the same 1 patch from now? Well maybe that 1 change wasn’t so bad… what about 5 patches from now? 3 more new hero’s and 2 new game modes you maybe aren’t a fan of? Is this still the game you love?
What about a cash shop? what about 1 less tank? What about 10 new heros and now more game modes than there even was at launch so literally less than 50% of your games are even a koth/hybrid or escort map?
Sure plenty of people will love the new stuff, and plenty of people won’t mind change but it depends on the person.
I personally don’t like the monetization, the cash shop, 5v5, and all the reworks. Many of the hero’s I used to main have either been reworked (aka deleted from the game from my perspective). I also played since around '16 or '17 but I uninstalled OW a couple days ago… I’ve peaked diamond 1 and have played in masters and GM lobbies before but I spent a week on a ‘losing trend’ where I was losing more and more SR per game than I’ve ever seen in all my years in this game meanwhile my games (despite losing) feel so TROLLISHLY easy (as in I’m clearly just better than the people in the lobbies that even as support im doubling the lobbies healing output and out damaging my DPS) but it’s impossible to solo carry any more and after losing like 8 gold rated games in a row the other day like that and constantly seeing “losing trend” and what ever modifiers basically telling me how I was supposed to be on the expected to win team depsite my DPS having 0 elims or tanks intentionally going into 1v5’s as a form of protest or co-supports doing a 'DPS only battle mercy" challenge I just kinda realized this game just kinda sucks these days.
So yeah TLDR is I uninstalled a couple days ago. I plan to check in every couple weeks/months to see if things change but I don’t expect it to. The games just a different animal now. (only other time I ever quit OW was when they temporarily introduced pay to win with paywall heros - uninstalled for a couple seasons till they walked that back) but this time I think it’s gonna be forever. GL all.
I’m limiting myself or OW and MR and that’s as much of as live service I’m going.
I’m looking to play games with online being optional, Granblue Fantasy Relink is the game Overwatch 2 should have been.
But with FF7 Rebirth going to Steam and Freedom Wars returning along with Xenoblade X, I’m not too worried about the future.
most likely a tthe end of this season the game will be shutdown and the staff let go
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The funny thing is, you didn’t address Blizzard here, you were talking only about OW.
Idk how Diablo is doing these days, but WoW is their cash cow and it is doing things that people like with plans of new stuff going on. OW should be next to get some news, like plans for the year and such. But I guess we’re not even in the year yet, so I can wait.
So many games have been getting updates lately. Nom nom nom
Same for me but with Call of Duty. I tried to hit max prestige on several games until Black Ops 2, which is when I felt the game had finally changed for the worse so much that it wasn’t worth my time anymore.
When you really feel that way, you move on. What you don’t do is call your ex every day to tell them how you’re so over them. The forum people are big on that, though, and we totally believe them.
For any played who has played the game for a prolonged period of time. You sadly know this is not true, ive played OW since release, likely spent thousands of pounds throughly the years, thousands of gameplay hours, i even met my wife through OW and now live in a new country but even for me this is probably my last season playing
People naturally move on from games, and if it has given you THAT many hours, it really owes you nothing.
If it isn’t fun any more, then it is time to move on, like with all things.
Disagree here, its most certainly a bad feeling towards players like myaelf who over the years have pur thousands of hours into the game then team decideds to steadily make the game worse, produce less and worse content all while turning into a glorified skin shop
It’s not just Overwatch really. Blizzard as a company is not the same company it used to be. Legit it’s a different thing. As soon as Activision bought it, that was really the beginning of the end.
It’s just lost it’s soul. I still love Overwatch and Starcraft and such but the company no longer has the same processes and values that made it great in the first place.
Yeah, I stopped caring about Overwatch once Mahvel dropped. I am just farming for Thor just in case. You never know what the future holds and I played this game for nearly eight years. I could easily come back to it later. But for the most part, I am pretty much done until they make some interesting changes. I am definitely more excited to see what season one of Mahvel entails.
I got a PSN gift card for Christmas and just used it to get that sexy Namor skin which is kind of wild because I loved Avatar the Last Air Bender so much as a kid. But whatever. The skin quality is mid as hell. Let’s be real. Every time I look at All Might Reinhardt I wonder what I was thinking.