Blizzard in a Nutshell


  • Please address the numerous bugs to heroes like Rein, Road, Sombra, etc.
  • Please address the state of Hanzo and Mercy
  • Please improve the events so they’re not just recycled from last year


“Let’s flip Roadhog’s portrait icon.”


I’m not sure if hanzo is OP anymore, I think his dps competition might just suck now.

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Idk, when there’s 15 DPS heroes he should have some competition.


If by “address” then you mean “resolve in a manner satisfactory to these forums,” then yes, they remain pretty unaddressed.

But to say they’ve not addressed Sombra, Mercy, Hanzo… eh.

They just struck out with summer games. I agree it was a bust, but let’s see what happens with Halloween.


I want to disagree with this, but the stats seem to be showing this. Not happy with it, but it’s tolerable.


Sombra has more bugs than I have fingers and toes, they’re not addressing any of them. Same applies to many other registration/hitbox issues, most noticeably with Doomfist & Reinhardt.


Yeah but he’s a better version than some of them, not because he’s OP but because they’re all coincidently underpowered.

Guarantee it’ll be the same as last year, except even less new cosmetics and Junkenstein’s Revenge will have like one extra villain.

You really think that Hanzo being changed somehow just made all the other DPS worse? How does that work, when none of them were changed?

If Hanzo was changed then all the other DPSes got worse, that means Hanzo is a lot better than them and outshining them.


I might be misunderstanding here but you think all of the DPS are underpowered except Hanzo?

So much this. Not only that,this hitscans just got a small buff and still are lightyears behind hanzo. Maybe a bit exaggerated but still, he outshines them by a significant amount.


No I don’t and I never said that. Mccree, Junkrat, and Soldier 76 have there own non-Hanzo problems that need looking at. Mccree’s been underpowered for a while, Soldier 76 still gets completely bodied by barriers and armor, and Junkrat’s primary is buggy.

Btw, I’ve got no love for Hanzo.

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No, but the ones that compete with him most for a slot on a team: junkrat, soldier 76, and mccree; those ones are underpowered. Hanzo doesn’t need to be pushed down, those three need to rise up.

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They’re not underpowered at all…Hanzo is out-shining them because he does all they do 100x better. That doesn’t mean they’re bad.


It seems they cant fix any of that but they are very sorry and happy you understand that.

Well first of all Mercys rework was a huge success. It was so successful that everyone can see it! No doubts about that! Ever!

And for Hanzo they still need to get data for the next 2 years before they can act upon them. Again thanks for understanding.

You got new skins! And sprays! Also some voiclines! Be happy! Buy lootboxes!

If you find sarcasm you can keep it. :slight_smile:


It’s okay, at least they finally flipped Roadhog’s icon. That’s a long desired and needed change! :tired_face::raised_hands:


Maybe Hanzos 2 new ability giving him more damage and mobility are the problems? I am all for making heroes viable but if they are overtuned they should be brought in line.


Everyone: The summer games this year was very lackluster, 30 out of the 50+ items were player icons! Please don’t recycle the events from last year! Can we at least get a comment on this?

Blizzard: lmao who wants to buy 2 timed exclusive legendaries for 10 bucks each xdd


McCree has been underpowered for more than a year, ask his mains how and why because that ought to get talked about more. Soldier 76 is really bad against barriers and armor, he’s been bad since Brigitte. Junkrat’s primary has been buggy since the size nerf, its caused hit registration bugs making him a troll pick past gold.

They need buffs/fixes.

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Yeah but they flipped an icon!

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