Blizzard Hates Mercy, she will never get a buff and Mercy mains need to accept that

2 people, calmly debating and listening 2 each others view point, on the internet?
What is this sorcery?

She and I talk a lot in most of the Mercy threads. I think we both just feel compelled to represent what we think Mercy should be so the devs/community see every side even if nobody’s mind is going to be changed, which is still a good thing. I wish more people didn’t treat the forums as a place to try to win arguments.


She just needs 60 hps and NO that wont make her a must pick.

60 hps mercy would not rule the meta hell she likely wouldn’t even be meta.

Sunken cost fallacy it’s blizzards biggest problem always has been.

At this rate mercy threads have peaked they have overrun the amount of moira threads.

she only out heals ana in bronze, where most anas cant aim, therefore, cant heal. saying that 50h/s outheals ana is just silly

Or maybe she’s not as weak as people claim. Does she work 100% of the time? No, nor should she. She has her place in the game. A lot of people just don’t want to play her optimally.

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Agreed…I see no evidence whatsoever that Blizzard hates Mercy: and further, I see a great deal of evidence to the contrary


Yet the head developer (and basically the face of Overwatch) said that Mercy’s healing does suck, most of the Overwatch playerbase said Mercy’s healing is mediocre or garbage, even some Top 500s say Mercy is basically Symmetra’s tier of usefulness, i don’t know why they go so left with just doing a simple change of 60 hp/s for Tanks, it’s not that difficult, this is why Blizzard’s balance is horrid, because they never listen to the playerbase, and when we think that a hero is balanced (for example, Ashe before her buffs) they just yeet in a buff or nerf because they felt like it, and when we ask for someone who wasn’t useful for a entire year to be buffed, (Symmetra) after they become semi-viable they yeet in hard nerfs because again, they don’t care.

You got this from his interview gameplay with a streamer when Echo was released right?

His comment was on his Mercy gameplay, NOT the hero as the whole.

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I know that some forum members have said such things, but I dont know of any valid data that supports the claim of a majority here

Mercy’s healing needs a buff. She in general needs a buff otherwise she’s going to fall behind with the other supports which is happening. Right now, I dont see a reason to ever pick mercy as she doesn’t offer anything to the team other than being dead weight.

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Not sure about Mercy but they definitely don’t like Brigitte.

Still, he did say the healing was bad, doesn’t matter if it’s whole hero or not, if the head developer thinks that the thing that Mercy should be able to do without issues is bad, then there is a problem.

Well, considering that Mercy’s pickrates are pretty low and overall she is almost the least played in Competitive because of other Supports such as Moira and Ana, I think it’s safe to assume that everybody thinks Mercy is the Support that is there for rare occasions.

Mercy’s pickrates as of now is 5%

Ana’s is 12%, Moira is at 8%.

So I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that people think Mercy is weak compared to the others main healers.