Blizzard, Give Symmetra a Passive Ability

Symmetra is one of the least played and least used heroes across the overwatch community and overwatch league, which is really disappointing as she has a lot of potential. At an attempt to fix this, I propose a new passive ability for the hero:

Hard Light Shielding:
For every teammate, including herself, that passes through symmetra’s teleporter, she gains 20 temporary shields (at a maximum of 120 additional shields, for every teammate). These shields will have depleted by the time her teleporter cooldown has finished.
This would allow her to successfully teleport onto a point and survive in a team fight long enough to set up her turrets and charge up her primary fire to actually be doing proper damage, which is difficult in her current state.

Although other changes need to be done too, like speeding up her teleport cast time, this would be a great start, as it’s about time Symmetra lived up to her full potential.

Sym can construct a light platform once every 5 seconds. It is activated by double jumping, and the platform is a small circle, levitating in place. Bullets pass through, but allies and enemies alike can stand on it (doesn’t block horizontal movement).

Lasts 5 seconds.

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No, just make it so she reduces the time it takes for shield health to recharge from 3 seconds to 1 second for herself and any other shield health hero in a certain range of herself (so Zarya and Zen). She already synergizes with both of them well, but it’s more so them benefitting her without much in return.

20-25 shields has already proven to do nothing and having them 50+ has proven to be too strong. Don’t add shield health. Just make the regen better. You can’t simply make shield health recharge at 1 second naturally because then Zen, but particularly Zarya would become too good.

Having it tied exclusively to Sym gives her the benefit mainly without directly affecting Zen and Zarya.

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