So I recently was playing a comp match with this 6 stack. (This was on console XBOX)
However, our teammate was actually ddossing someone on the enemy team. I thought it was a joke. He then died and I said “I ain’t ressing that”. He then said “Alright im ddossing you now.”. I just swept it off as a joke. A few minutes after, he says to the WHOLE team my Wifi Provider and my wifi’s IP ADDRESS. Yes, he didnt ddos me, but that is VERY ILLEGAL. You never know what he could do with that. I just left the game. I dont care if it was a comp match, my safety matters more than my ranking. If Blizzard sees this, they need to block these programs. People are getting their personal information stolen by just playing comp. I am very scared and worried about myself. Anyone else’s thoughts on this?
They cant really stop this, since when you connect to a game, your IP can be pulled if your in a party or a VC. My advice, is to report the said person, go to microsoft support, and see if they can ban them.
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Also for people who don’t know. DDOSing is when someone uses either a program to steal your IP address and can do very bad stuff with it. They can sell it, they can swat you, find personal stuff about you, and much more. Not only that, but they can also send high ping to you (This is through my personal experience from getting ddossed.) which means you wont even be able to get into the game.
Yes thank you for saying this! I am currently being attacked by what I suspect is DDOS in almost every game from a hacker that I ceased contact with. You’re not the only one, and yes it is very illegal.
Hey Mercy and others,
We actually addressed this issue in another thread a couple of weeks ago.
I’d recommend reading that thread for more info, and definitely contact your internet provider so they can change your public IP address if you believe you’ve been targeted by another player.