…not I don’t mean: not registering the scale of the problem; only quoting 800,000 bans - which is virtually meaningless when you can make or buy accounts; give things snazzy names like they’re some sort high tech fix - we know they’re not.
None of this FIXES the cheating problem.
Fix it.
It’s your game and it won’t be workable until that’s done.
I love when the comments come out on these cheating threads where forum people either deny it or have “valid” input like: “What do you want them to do?” or use the tried and true: “get good” comeback. Meanwhile, heroes shoot around corners, never miss, etc like its normal and acceptable.
…that only works in a player-hosted game system. And it also gives the host power that they can easily abuse like kicking anyone doing better than them, so that’s not a viable choice at all.
Seems like most players now have no patience for cheat deniers. Who’d have thought.
Yes, I don’t really disagree with that point. My argument is that they do nothing effective. I don’t believe that what they do is as good as it could or should be - particularly given they aim to make $100’s M from it. China made AI on less.
Cheating will never slow down until they decide to put in game accounts that cost money again.
If they were to actually stop begging people to play their game in the pathetic way of offering it as a free 2 play game and show some dignity again. They’d charge money for the game.
That way people have something to lose if they are caught cheating.
If we think of it this way. If accounts cost 40-60 dollars. And for every 50 hours played they give away a free skin. That account starts to have value. In turn it encourages people to be better acting players and not consider cheating because that account will be worth something, so long as players chose not to cheat or act out.