Blizzard encourages solo queue?

I played 4 comp matches with friends and lost all 4. I play 2 comp matches solo queue and won both. So basically blizz is telling me to eff my friends and play by myself. Good message Blizz…really Jeff?

Why make a team based game if playing as a team is going to go against your overall success in the game?

6 games confirmed enough to come to a blanket conclusion


Quality Control - a system of maintaining standards in manufactured products by testing a sample of the output against the specification.

I’m only going on the sample size I am given. Why would my conclusion be any different? I don’t need to play a hundred games with friends and play 100 games solo to see that solo queue is the way to increase your SR. Just sayin.

I don’t know why you think you are entitled a win just because you’re in a group.


Never said I was entitled to anything. Just going by the stats. Solo queue = more wins. Prove me wrong

I don’t need to, you literally just made a blanket statement after 6 games. Prove to me that solo queue equals more wins with something more than anecdotal evidence. For all anyone here knows, you and your friends could just not play well together.


Would you like some fries with all that salt?


6 games is not close to enough to draw any conclusion.

Also, remember that when six stacking, the other team has the same advantages/disadvantages you do. You aren’t going to win more or less by six stacking. This isn’t about providing people with a way to win more, just to have more fun.


You and your friends just probably don’t work well together. Possibly try practicing in qp, or find an amatuer team to play against.

Groups are usually queued against other groups. It’s expected groups will have better team work than randoms.

Your “group” was probably playing like randoms.

It should be illegal for the other team’s group of 4 to be better than mine.

Maybe you guys just aren’t a good six stack. Don’t blame the system for your own lack of proper team work.

When you can’t blame teammates, make sure you blame Blizzard…

:spider_web: I strictly solo queued and had a 13 game lose streak that was broken by 2 wins only to be followed by another loss and a draw. Bam, done.

All the times I used LFG and queued up with more than 2 people I would have horrible matches. In fact out of the around 5 or 6 matches I played with 3 or 6 stacks I lost all of them. I went 50SR below 3000 and almost lost my diamond. I started solo queing and I’m noticing a lot more better matches. I won all my solo queue matches.

Imo 3 is an ideal stack, however its not about playing with ur friends, its about playing with a good healer thay can switch to dps or tank if there is already a healer single queing on your team

. A good zarya that can switch to dva/reinhardt as needed, a good genji that can switch to reaper, soldier,pharrah,tracer as needed.

A good stack that will work around the others solo queing in the team and wont try to force them to play new roles etc.

Read Groups and Matchmaking in Overwatch.

In short, there is a slight advantage to grouping, on average. Your six games is insufficient to form an accurate conclusion.

Holy anecdotes Batman! Here’s mine: lfg stacks were both more effective and more fun to play in than solo queue.

So you are saying you grouped with people you weren’t a good team with? I thought it was known by everyone now that it’s bad to que with six people who met by solo queing, which seems to be all LFG does.

Lmao, dude I lose 99% of my games in solo, and I win more then 80% of my games using LFG, I think the conclusion your really drawing is that your friends don’t play well together or aren’t good… sorry to say.