Blizzard confirms: Profanity bannable in any context

“BAMF” <20 characters/>



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But u can turn profanity off??? U r trolling if u turn off filter and report ong


Don’t forget the cigar smoking causing cancer
Cassidy design going next on the chopping block

Bad Actor Mother Fifer?

Yeah. It’s annoying getting reported for stuff and then not being able to communicate with my teammates.

100%. I turned off chat totally. I can’t hear other people, and they can’t hear me. I’m on XBox and can’t key anything in chat either. I gave up on comp because of the horrible matchmaking, so no worries about people being mad that I’m not in chat. All I use is the built in voice lines.


Wow. How is that excusable or anyone else’s problem?

Sometimes they definitely can. Had some toxic guy a while back tell me he hopes my dad dies of cancer… Just so happens my dad had cancer at the time. I had to log off then and there and step away.


When ppl treat you as a human being. Your word hurts. Thats call respect. And thats why so many ppl died because of such kind of bully, at least in my country.

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I’m Australian. Not soft.

But tell me how you feel when your close family member is dying and someone tells you they hope they die. If that doesn’t hurt you, you’re a psychopath by definition.

It’s putting pressure on a wound that is already there.


It simply means you’ll need to get more creative with your euphemisms.

Blizzard CS encouraging people to communicate kindly and positively towards one another while simultaneously being hostile and unhelpful towards someone voicing their concerns is wildly unprofessional . People casually swearing should be far from their concerns when minorities are too afraid to even use voice chat because of the harassment they will receive. The whole report system is broken and needs to be redone. Ive been saying it for years, its insanity that there’s multiple language filters that are already on for new acocunts, theres avoid slots, and there is individual muting but instead of relying on these things, you can be reported and actioned upon for even the slightest profanity.


If it was someone I knew IRL, it would hurt.

Someone on OW that I don’t know tells me that? Yeah, I don’t care. 20 minutes from now I’ll be in a different match and probably never see that person again. And if I do, I don’t care enough to remember their name so I wont realize that I have.

You CHOOSE to let it bother you.

Something else I realized is that you can probably find clips of any streamer swearing in voice chat? Why isn’t blizzard banning them?


Alright. Just know that I do not believe you.

If you’re already hurting, someone poking the wound, be it stranger or not, will affect you. That is what I believe.

Why do you feel the need to capitalize certain words when you speak with me? I see people do this when they’re perturbed. Your manner of speaking makes it look like you are affected by my comment.


You mean “CHOOSE”?

It was capitalized to emphasize the word…

Also, I’m not speaking. So any inflection or emotion you read is something you are projecting onto my words.

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Tru n reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal

The victim blaming is intense.