Blizzard can you explain the one sided stomps

havent heard a word yet - anyone can explain why 80% of games are one sided stomps ?


They won’t tell you.

And clearly it is not of the superiority of the other team.

They’ve discussed it. Two changes are coming that should help:

  • The tanks in each game will have their MMR matched with each other, and same for the other roles.

  • Solo players won’t encounter groups with mixed MMRs as much.

TLDR, the problem is mostly caused by premades. The grouping rules allow people with quite different ranks to group together, especially in QP. This makes it very hard to create a fair game.


I hope this is it… even when I’m on the winning team stomps really arent very fun. I like to actually earn my win, and when losing I like to feel like it wasn’t over before the game even started


Here’s some algebra related to matchmaker stuff.

For perfectly ideal matchmaking quality and matchmaking speed. You’d want:

  • 20% Tanks, 40% DPS, 40% Supports.
  • i.e. 1/5, 2/5, 2/5
  • i.e. 1-2-2

The further it gets away from that ideal, the worse either matchmaking quality or matchmaking speed gets. And it would appear that the devs are focusing on matchmaking speed, instead of matchmaking quality. To compensate for a lack of Support players.

Let’s say the season 1 ratio of Tank-DPS-Support was

  • 30%, 50% 20%
  • i.e. 1.5x, 1.5x, 0.5x compared to the ideal

Then what happens if you make it

  • 40%, 45%, 15%
  • i.e. 2.0x, 1.125x, 0.375x compared to the ideal

So moving from a Tank:Support ratio of: 1.5x vs 0.5x, which makes a 3x gap for matchmaking

And then next patch: 2.0x vs 0.375x, which makes a 5.33x gap for matchmaking.

Almost twice as bad.

Which means the matchmaker will be almost twice as bad pretty soon, in either matchmaker speed or matchmaker quality, probably a mix of both.

You might not like it, but hero usage variety doesn’t matter much if the matchmaker quality is horrible.

And if devs want to recruit people out of F2P FPS games which typically have 1-3 minute matchmakers, or from pre-RoleQueue Overwatch 1 players. Then the lower they can push down the matchmaker timer, the more players they can pull into the game. (And the larger the “opportunity cost” is, if they don’t).

And ultimately it becomes a very simple business decision for Blizzard on:

  1. Fix Matchmaking, lose some players
  2. Don’t fix Matchmaking, lose a ton of players, and don’t-gain a ton of players.

If the devs gotta choose between losing 2-5% of the current playerbase and losing 20-50% of the current&potential playerbase, then it’s kind of a no-brainer what’s the better business choice.

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They have explained that for the range difference in comp.

What is being asked here is… WHY with my 900 hours on my MAIN hero and 8000 kills.

In a match I deal 10k damage and have an only one elimination and the other team has 40?

Oh yes my tank is MASTER too… 2 eliminations.

EXPLAIN. I wait…

Because the matchmaker is based off a 1970’s chess algorithm designed for 1v1 players.

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Fr, I just lost like 14/15 games in a row in QP, and really only won like 3 rounds out of all those games. That’s just insane. Almost every game had someone OR MULTIPLE PEOPLE ON MY TEAM who were legit clueless, 14+ deaths with damage in the low thousands, people playing into counters over and over. That was seriously the most unfun stretch of this game I have EVER played. I’m not amazing- just a high gold console but how tf you matching me w players that gd awful?

the algorithm put you in that game expecting you to carry them. You brought the average up. You have to carry the team just to meet its 50% chance of winning expectations. Good luck if you’re a support like me! :slight_smile:

QP is actually a bad metric for wins/losses. The game favors Defense on Assault and Hybrid. That’s why you swap sides in Ranked. Some games in Ranked are won without even leaving the first zone.

If you’re on the attacking side, it’s an uphill battle. You’re likely to lose.

Do you have it ready to go on the clipboard.

Stop insulting chess algos.

Nah it’s on one of the comments in that thread.
It’s just downvoted into oblivion.

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Sure, just as soon as OW 2 stops using them.

Ya reddit hive mind down voting is notorious if you don’t agree with them.

Eh, it’s more of a specific r/COW thing of “Do Pros/Streamers agree” or “Is it entertaining enough”.

I mostly just post there because it’s got a higher chance of devs seeing it.

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In some ways, I kinda wanna say “I told you so”, but also I don’t wanna poke the bee’s nest either.

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Dunno what else to tell you, except that 5v5 is stompier than 6v6 was. In Overwatch it’s entirely possible for an MMR-balanced game to become a hard stomp, for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes it just happens.

There has been zero evidence that the devs intentionally compromised matchmaking quality for queue times. The queues have been really fast lately - don’t you think they would have shifted the scales in the other direction by now if that were the case?

I think it’s silly when people act like Queue Times is the only factor in matchmaker design.

As Matchmaker Quality is interchangeable for Queue Times.
The Questions of MatchMaking: Wait Time VS Match Quality | AWS for Games Blog

Also they basically admitted as much with their “Wide” search ranges in their last blog post.