Blizzard alienating 99.9% of players to appease OWL?

I have not played comp since the hero bans. I refuse to play comp, even though the hero bans consist of heroes I don’t ever play. Limiting game play takes away from the fun. Limit the hero bans to OWL only.

Nah balancing for casuals killed overwatch, this game is a clown fiesta since the adding of moira and every other new character. The game needs to be totally reworked for any hope of being a serious game again.

Game always been clown fiesta, except this time it’s fiesta with sad clowns.

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Honestly No one should buy OW 2 and just wait for daddy Jeff to state their shock and hopefully get an apology video for their negligence

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Where did they say that they were going to do this? I’m lazy and couldn’t find anything…

What they should really do is keep the low skill cheese bs for the pve mode and totally rework pvp so that all the heros are challenging to play as that way they can keep the casuals happy.

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Apology? It would be video for “ungrateful community”, that “betrayed” his trust and forced “small indie company” to fire some developers.

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Just because it’s been said before, doesn’t mean it’s any less true.

Been saying this from the very beginning… Choosing to pander less than 1% of the player-base (esport, youtubers etc) over the 99% like us ruins the game.

These esporters are 100x worse than casuals who demands left and right because changing the game (hero bans and forced 2-2-2 with long queues) is WORSE than nerfs and buffs.

dive made a load of support players and even tanks player leave the game so no

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not good support players. only the soft ones. I get it, it sucks being out played by someone better than you and theres nothing you can do about it but lose. but if the game were balanced, all the people better than you would climb and the ladder would even out and you’d only play against tracers you had a chance against.

she was OP, mercy was OP, DVA was OP. they needed a nerf. Soldier and lucio and hog needed buffs (to where they are now). They needed Baptiste and other supports that can 1 v 1 flankers. Moira and brig countering flankers for free tho breaks the game on a fundamental level and it has never recovered.

Instead, it doesnt matter who is better anymore. So the ladder is jumbled up. And to save the 10% of game population that were mercy mains that couldnt handle dive, they pushed the other 90% of the game’s population away and now OWL will fail and Overwatch has become a joke within the gaming community and blizzard has lost the respect of competitive gamers forever.

Yes, it used to be about hiding from flankers, but since “hiding” was a problem, now it’s about murdering them.

It really was,
it single-handedly got the Valve Index sold out in virtually every country it was available in
and when the Index sold out people went and bought up the Vives and the Oculuses

And on release it was one of the biggest games on Twitch and YouTube and with good reason

esports are bad enough as it is, but forced esports in a casual game? It’s just garbage.

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I agree xcept for one thing.

The easy baby mode didn’t start in Wotlk.

Was just a few months before with the Sunwell patch in TBC.

They literally said than only 5% of the player base visited Sunwell, you needed to raid Illidan first so it was difficult.

They say that was a big effort to be only used by 5% of the players.

That exactly was filosofy change and the beginning of the end.

Controversially Wotlk did sell 15 million copies and was officially considered a success but they didn’t bare in mind that this is like Matrix 1 and 2. Matrix 2 sold more because Matrix 1 success, not by itself.

This game was made to farm esport money, they do not care about the casual players, as hilariously backwards as that sounds.

And funny enough the OWL has been a trainwreck in slow motion this year.

Down with the OWL! It killed this game!

For those of us that weren’t, what happened there?

They made it so you couldn’t use your coins for said events items. If you wanted a reasonable chance at an item you had to buy boxes. Due to the extremely high favoring of duplicates at the time you were more likely to never get what you actually wanted.