You shouldn’t be able to get better value than Widowmaker with a character that requires half the aim and no charge time that can also deal insane AoE damage.

If Pharah was able to 1 shot kill with a mercy boost direct impact rocket it would be more fair than this stupid interaction.


It requires investing 2 characters to do the job of 1.


Also what do you mean by half the Aim? Widow and Ashe are both long range hitscan DPS. They both click heads pretty much the same way except widow doesn’t have fall off and doesn’t need Mercy.


Touch mercy in a way that isn’t a rework or a buff and I’ll guillotine you.


it requires mercy to boost ashe for couplse seconds
And lets NOT forget ashe has 170 headshot dmg, considering she has a AOE insta dmg with a DOT its not hard AT ALL with ash to get picks left right and center

And widows kit compared to ash is laughable AF
Ulties are galaxies apart


you are right Widows Ult is so much better than Ashes. Bob can be slept and if you know which enemie is where you can set up a tactic to deal with pretty much anything including sneaky Genjis trying to flank.

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10/10 trolling here i have to admit, you are dedicated to this :smiley:

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ran out of arguments already?

It is what it is, Bob can be countered by a lot of things. He can be slept, pushed of a ledge, have a shield in his face, focused down, have a Tank like Hog in his face he can’t stop shooting while Hog doesn’t even really notice the damage or simply being misplaced and he wont get any value whatsoever.

The only way to counter Widows Ult is by killing her which will be fairly hard on a decent widow becaus eshe knows exactly where you are while you can only guess her exact position until she gives it away. And she isn’t the only one with Information her whole team gets it while your team gets nothing.

Information is the strongest weapon in every war. Its also the strongest weapon in every game.


So you are saying BOB REQUIRES several things from other people to FOCUS him down sice he is a 7th character on a team that has 1.2K hp and auto aim constatnt shooting
Meanwhile widow gives a wallhack that is detrimental pretty much only to flankers

Gotcha :slight_smile:

For real now, you cant SERIOUSLY think that wallhack is even comparable to BOB right?
HE runs out, he is a IMMEDIATE threat that charges even through barriers and knocks people up - poor mans Sigma Ult. IF ashe is worth anything she will wait until she sees ana using her sleep and there goes pretty much entire roster of ACTUAL bob counters
Oh sigma/orisa HAD to use their barrier to counter him? Nice now YOUR team has ONE less barrier to deal with and hey ho you win this fight

Information is strong if you are able to capitalize on it. Thats why widow ult is detrimental really only to cheeky plays MEANWHILE bob CREATES a huge problem for the enemy team RIGHT NOW and they HAVE to take care of it otherwise its gg for that fight


Don’t forget about fall off damage and accuracy

It’s an obnoxious combo. At this point I just think damage boost is a horrendous ability that promotes a dumb pocket-play style that is abused by smurf DPS players extremely often

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Ashe is clearly overtuned. Leave Mercy out of this.


No he requires one ONE of the above mentioned things. Not several just one to negate (almost) his entire value.

It also forces everyone to stay behind a barrier if there even is a barrier. With todays meta of Hog Zarya or hog ball there is no barrier which means you need hard cover which means you have to give space and if the enemy team uses that space to push you have to give even more space or you run the risk of your supports getting one shot from who knows where which will lose you the fight.

As for bob after his running is done he is stationary. This means you can just rotate out of LoS and again he doesn’t get any value anymore. And as mentioned above there is more than one option to deny Bob Value its hard to believe that in any half coordinated team everything is unavailable at once and for stays unavailable for bobs duration.

Bob has 112 dps and 10 sec duration
8 shots a second 14 dmg per bullet
He needs 1.8 seconds to kill waht 70%? of the roster, OR force them out of HIS LOS.
Yes you could use bob WRONG same sa you can blow your widow ult and achieve nothing so Iam not going into situations where bad players do bad plays
I will use same logic as you are and say there are no barrier since its hog/ball/zarya
If ashe waits until ana uses her sleep then its over.
Taking 2-2-2 into consideration uncontentested bob will kill 4 squishies OR force them out of his LOS (which in MANY cases puts them out of LOS of enemy team = turning them useles)
And thats JUST BOB, there are STILL other 6 enemy heroes that you need to take care of.

Best case scenario ult for widow CAN be game deciding
Best case scenario ult for ashe IS game decidint
Worst case scenarios for both are - nothing happened
Typical scenario
Widow makes enemies play mroe carefull but still push the obj behind rein barrier
Ashe makes enemies scatter or retreat as a whole OR risking having 1/2 people killed

Hog can A Hook him behind a wall or straight up tank like 90% of his duration with his breather.
Ball can easily push him into an unfavourable position.
And Zarya can also buy enough time so noone has to die with her bubbles.
And those were just the 3 Tank heroes. We now have DPS and another support as well just in case Anas Sleep dart is gone. And most of them have a way to help a little with Bob.

I thought we don’t talk about bad players making bad plays?

bob is stationary. Just because I’m out of LoS to him doesn’t mean I can’t shoot at his team.

Best case for a widow ult is giving her the information and her team to take down both supports befire they can react because they were slightly out of position or got assassinated by a Genji/Doomfist or whatever. Thats not something that can decide a fight but one that definitely will decide one.

So the same as widows. With the difference its only up to widow to use her ult right. There are barely counters to her ultimate to render it useless while Ashe has to check for way more enemy Skills and Ults to make sure her Bob gets any value at all.

thats kinda obvious. No point in using a widow ult when you just won a team fight, are close to dead with a winston on you or simply can’t hit the shot but again bad players doing bad stuff

So back at barriers? Even with bob around people can push an objective behind a barrier so why only use that barrier against widow?

Even then widow does have the option to use her grapple to get a cheeky kill from above. Not something bob can do whoch means in a Rein Szenario you would habe to throw bob directly at rein to get any value at all. This most likely gets either stopped by a teammate (sleep, hook, emp, booped, whatever) or countercharged by rein himself. So Bob is again of pretty much no value if your team couldn’t follow up that one second or whatever rein was laying on the ground. With Zarya or whatever on Reins Team that might be a little hard to do.

With widows Ult up she can’t do much to the enemy team as long as they stand behind it, however they still have to share a fairly small amount of space and barriers don’t hold forever. They can’t just scatter to hardcover mid push because then they get taken out by the widow.


Enemy widow can snipe yours because she is better = lool widow ult is bad
Do you even read what you are saying with hog and hooking?
While that is happening hog looses ± 400 hp, YES he can heal himself but now we have a offtank with ONESHOT potential against 400hp characters eFFin around with ashe ult INSTEAD of going after supports AND using his abilities to survive
Ball can push him into unfavourbale position INSTEAD of harrasing enemy Backline and making supports useless and losing aroun 300 hp in the process
Zarya will bubble someone to protect from a 7th player MEANWHILE enemy teams ana is honry AF since there are no bubbles to cleanse a grenade and its GG

You are completely missing the point I mentioned MANY times that Bob isnt living in some vacuum where its 6 vs BOB
It 6v6+BOB, ONLY real effcient counter to bob is sleep dart but that is counter to everything if it hits
Everythign else has some SERIOUS downsides

Situations where widow ult has the impact you are describing are 1/10 compared to situations where bob straight up wins.

Sleep dart doesn’t even last the entire duration of bob being out. So either way he is getting some shots out unless ashe completely wiffs her cast direction. He also has a added affect of knocking enemies into the air which usually means death. But the cherry on top is ashe can get massive ult charge even if she is missing most her shots, unlike widow. Ashe is overtuned and needs to be adjusted.

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Yeah, as i say, next in line for the pitchfork, the (almost nonexistant because of nerf barrage) damage boosting healer.