Blizz, just say yes or no

yeah,except those ultimates have counters.

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The post you linked said nothing about a revert, was three months ago, and is already not true since they are changing her now with the nerf.

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hammond’s ult literally HARD counters mass rez.


Every other ult has counterplay though. Her mass rez was instant.

You are welcome to stay in denial. However when Jeff himself says he and the team don’t feel like Mercy needs any changes, I take that at face value.

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you forgot the part where it had invulnerability

they did say no and since so many people didn’t know this was a revert I’ll assume this hasn’t changed their minds

start rallying for Mercy 3.0 with the condiition that they actually try and not just throw the first thing a random dev things of and the problem will be fixxed

Exactally, Mass rez can be balanced, rez on E, not so much.

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I will thank you :slight_smile: . But, you do realize that the only times they mentioned Mass Rez not coming back was a long time ago and they only said that they didn’t have plans to revert her. Meaning they didn’t have plans at that current moment and time. Just because something was said in the past, doesn’t make it true in the present.

just remove Rez entirely and replace it with something. I don’t care if it’s a “core part” of her identity.

Sym couldn’t keep like…anything when she was reworked


do you… even know what Hammonds ult is?

any zoning ult hard counters Mass Rez, D’va Bomb and Deadeye, you think those ults are garbage? both of them secured consist team wipes after a mass rez was pulled off. and Hammonds ult, oh goodie, those mines that arm after 2 seconds being dropped in the midst of a team who can’t move until the invulnerability wears off exactly 2.7 seconds after the enemy are made aware they are spawning

it would most assuredly hard counter plain and simple

A fair point, but in this particular thread, OP was looking for a definitive answer, and I linked it to them. It is a few months old, and of course everything is subject to change, but for now that is Blizzard’s definitive answer.

she kept her turrets and tele. And techincally Shield gen also since it still is in the hero gallery lmao. (Wondering if they ever will remove the shield gen or if they will just leave it.)

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you’re right, we have to assume that’s their definitive answer until they say otherwise. hence we must start rallying for 3.0 instead of a revert

That’s not even contemporary so you can’t just scrap the idea of a revert :stuck_out_tongue: .

and that was a crap move too but no need for blizzard too repeat mistakes with their reworks

you said it yourself. they worked after Mass Rez went off. cause nothing could stop it while being cast.

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no they just made the situation even worse for the team getting 5 man rezzed because suddenly there is no chance left for them to stagger on 2CP and now they all just wated time

The delusion? It was a fact. Did you play pre-rework mercy? She was a solid pick, but so was Ana and a good player was better off with Ana. Up until the rework I was screamed at to swap off of Mercy because Ana was better.


Why would he need to…