Blizz devs want to keep some of the card changes

The fact that they even considered thinking about putting these changes into the game with a little numbers change just shows how little the devs care about their players.

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I feel it is the opposite. It restored some fp (faith points) to this Bodhisattva.

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Pls keep the mercy changes, I LOVE being a depressed masochist mercy main


Please for the love of OW, I hope they dont keep any of those changes… not even one. The game is pretty close to balanced as it is… why kick the scales now?

Do it for the memes. And with those, my dreams become reality.

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Seriously, why do they always claim “we’re not adding any of these into the game”

a little while later

“Ok we’re thinking about adding these things into the game”

Does it have some sort of content creator influence?

Because the game becomes so stale without anything.

That way you don’t expect anything to happen. Managing the expectations of the players so they don’t get as disappointed when things dont happen or get more excited when things do happen.

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In that case I’m glad that they’re at least giving us content in the form of experimental patches… but they should stay experimental for 90% of those changes, if not all of them

A lot of these posts are really worrying because:

“I think x change would be really good to implement”

On an already very overtuned hero. Just because something is cool, funny, or “makes sense” doesn’t mean it should be in the live game. Giving Bap self heal with his own right click would push him even further past his current must pick levels for most games, and across all skill ratings. He would probably hit 90% pickrate with a buff that impactful.

Other things like sound barrier dealing damage, Mei ice block dealing damage, these are meme changes. Just like D.Va remech dealing damage, it’s not healthy for the game.

When Overwatch launched, it was skill = reward. If it wasn’t mechanical skill, it was brain power. Look at the Rein Vs Rein matchup for example. You outplay your opponent mentally rather than with raw aim mechanics.

Now we have a lot of heroes that require little to no skill, but have equal to or greater than reward than the heroes demanding a high mechanical ability and adding more of these abilities to the game is a terrible idea.

The current experimental is good NoobHunter content, and that’s all it is.

Flats literally just nerfed everyone he doesn’t like playing


Also people say they want pharah to move while ulting clearly don’t understand when she’s ulting that’s the only time 85% of the playerbase can hope to kill her bc she’s too far for most players to hit or they can’t track at all

Hated playing hog less HP and healing? With that massive hitbox no thanks the 6s hook was fun for environmental kills but I wasn’t having fun when I died bc I only healed 250 so I had 300hp instead of 350 50 HP is massive

Except the more this happens,the less impact it has and its meme value increases.

Just look at the Blizzard Soon™.
It became a meme for a reason.

At first probably everyone believed when they said they are not going to add these changes to the live game, but when it happened 2-3 times, people become skeptical at best.
And now we are at the point of, “we dont believe you”.

If i have to guess, that “Cassidy” mid-air roll for example, is only a matter of time until it happens. Someone will eventually find a way in the dev team to put it to live.
It seems like someones personal project at this point.
How many times was it “tested” in some form up until now? 2-3 times?

Don’t forget we’ve had three ExC’s now with Samito’s Moira change.

I really don’t think any major changes like this should be made before OW2. The game is relatively well balanced right now and I think it would be easy to throw things into a long-lasting meta where very few heroes are viable.

Also as a support main I hated the support changes except for maybe Lucio’s. Just for the record.

Okay sooo? Also he dident just buffed the tanks he liked, he also rebalanced a couple of them.Rein winston zarya and dva was buffed and ball sigma and orisa were all rebalance and in a postive way, the only hero that was rebalanced and had a negative outcome was hog. But even then 7/8 heros that is fun to play is better then 4/8 heros being allowed fun. Hell as someone who enjoys tank role and played it triple the time then my other 2 roles combined, the experiment was alot more fun then the current game patch.

Imagine arguing against making a video game more fun to play just because it doesn’t meet some arbitrary definition of ‘skill’.

You realise what video games are for, right?

Hint: They’re for fun.


I mean, to be fair, this game was, but now it’s being balanced for an esport, so they kinda want fun removed from the game.


They are not “one-tricks”; I’ve watched them all, they are usually well above the norm in almost every character (but not all).