Black Screen on Lauch

When I launch Overwatch it just black screens every time no error code or anything. I’ve been having this issue since the update and I’ve tried a number of different fixes. I’ve updated my drivers, uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times on different platforms, scanned files, and more. Any thoughts on what might fix it?


I’m not sure what that is I don’t have anything Razer on my laptop. The game was running perfectly until recently I have a feeling it’s just that the game is bugged.

When coming across an error, you’ll want to provide system diagnostic files that other players can use for troubleshooting.

Click here to show/hide DxDiag report instructions
  1. Press Windows Key + R, then type DxDiag and press Enter.
  2. In the DxDiag window, click Save All Information.
  3. Name the file dxdiag and click Save.

After you have the report:

Note: If you have trouble posting the URL, highlight the link and click </> on the post editor toolbar.

In the meantime, review the Windows Reliability Monitor (Win10) or Reliability History (Win11), which may show you what’s happening in the background to cause any errors.

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