Black bars in 3440x1440 - 21:9 - Ultrawide

Rly? You fixing damn arcade games instead of this?

Did not have this issue before I reset my PC. Please fix this blizzard.

Blizz? Hello? Anybody home? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Can you at least pretend to acknowledge this problem exists and that you’re working on a fix?

Blizz? Hello? Anybody home? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Blizz? Hello? Anybody home? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Blizz? Hello? Anybody home? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Yep still got thin black bars in 21:9 mode.

Surely after 5 months someone at Blizzard would have noticed this issue themselves and decided to fix it.

But evidentially people haven’t spent enough in the cash shop yet… Maybe 21:9 ratio is stuck in a lootbox somewhere.

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hellloooooo??? someone fixing this stuff or not?

Nobody home… :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:

So the Diablo team somehow managed to have the proper aspect ratio for D4 Beta but the Overwatch team still can’t fix the aspect ratio after it being released for over 5 months?

Yeah they really have some talent there…

New hero suggestion.

Primary Fire: Response Time
• 20 damage, also increases enemy cooldown timers.
Secondary Fire: Aspect
• 75 damage, 10 second CD, Causes enemies hit by attack to use 4:3 for 5 seconds.
E: Monitor
• Scans the area to monitor enemy health.
Q: Ultra Wide
• 0 second CD, Permanently gives you 21:9 aspect ratio on your account.

I will continually become more sarcastic and passive aggressive as time goes on with my bumps from here on out until this problem is acknowledged by the wonderful people at Blizzard.

Aaaand again, no fix. Aaand again derank for whole division…

It looks like the forum moderators have closed the other main thread: Overwatch 2 not supporting true ultrawide 21:9. We need to keep this thread bumped up until the Devs fix this issue.

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Blizz? Hello? Anybody home? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

This has been going on for months now… Really there’s no one at blizzard that can review this and fix it? Crazy how fast this company has gone under.

I just opened a new bug report thread. We have the root of the problem, and the potential solution. Now it’s just a matter of whether Blizz staff will pass along the suggestion or not.

And the fix seems simple: Change the 21:9 aspect ratio to 21.5:9 (as nobody actually uses the real 21:9 ratio. You can’t get a monitor with that ratio afaik, but the game locks it as standard probably because it’s used in marketing since its easier to say 21:9, than 21.5:9).

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I always thought this was done for balance reasons as people with wider or ultra wide monitors would have more visibility than the majority of players.