Blabla 15 characters

bye guide, whatever.


how do you get those drop down arrows i could really use those

Wow, this is really well formatted. I have to go take a Calc exam in 5 mins, but I’ll definitely bookmark this to read back on when I want to get better at D.Va.

Thank you! :smile:

[ details =" text "]
whatever the arrow should make appear
[ /details ]

Without spaces ofcourse.

edit: That then looks like this


whatever the arrow should make appear


wow what an awesome in depth dva guide too bad it will die unless i bump it

Welcome to the forums. If your topic isn’t “popular”, prepare to fall to the bottom of an empty pit.

It’s so sad, honestly.

Great post. Im a D.Va main and recently was able to get to Diamond One tricking her with 71% win rate.

I could certainly use these tips.

You have my upvote.

Oh snap fam this is actually super cool. Going to check this out after work today. :purple_heart::blue_heart::green_heart::yellow_heart::heart:

This is a great post! We should have more of these posts for all of the heroes.

Do you use the Hold to Boost option or not? Do you think it matters? I’ve been wondering if there was any advantage either way or if it’s just preference.

And thank you for the great post. Will use as a reference. :two_hearts:

I don’t. Don’t really like the feel of hold to boost.

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wait hold to boost exists? will try.

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I’m personally not a fan of hold to boost, it feels really awkward to use.

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I’d write one for other heroes, if… you know, I had the same amount of experience I have on D.Va, on other heroes instead. I don’t think anyone would want a guide on Orisa from someone that has played her for 10 hours maybe, and can play her only at roughly mid diamond level, for example. Same for Reinhardt, or Hog. Although at least there’s a few more hours on Hog. But still only about 20-25.

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@Seva I’m not necessarily saying you have to, but other top 500 players should make guides similar to this one

"Here’s how you play and her role:


Ofcourse, just saying that if I could, I probably would do it for other heroes aswell.

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Can’t post from the Seva account, but I just want to say:

More or less major edit, any questions will be added to the OP in the new questions section, so they’re all closer together rather than spread throughout the thread. Also includes some questions from the old thread, including the one I mentioned at the beginning of the post that I just completely missed.

Why you can’t?

Anyway, good detailed work, so… have a like. Even though it’s about the character I used to love, and now all I’ve got is hate ;p

Can’t have the same account post twice in a row.
Or, well, not the same account that made the thread, apparently.