Biotic Grenade needs more counterplay

Title is self explanatory.


Just don’t let it hit you :smirk:


Baptiste immortality field


Moira pulls out a tennis racket and swats it back.


I mean u got the barriers from rein, orisa, sigma, brig and winston, or the matrix/grasp of Sogma and D.Va or the Immo or own anti nade, some chars with clean abilities(Moira, Reaper, Sombra etc)

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Amazing :nail_care:t2: :pleading_face: :dancer:t2:


Rather than nerfing bionade, there just needs to be more cleanses. As is it’s just a few self-cleanse (Reaper/Moira/Sombra), and the only one that can be applied to other people is on a tank who has to very carefully manage the cooldown.

Blizz addressed this when they toyed with the idea of giving it to Moira, but never brought anything similar to the table again.


The problem with Moira is it’s stupid to make teammates immune to all damage. It should’ve been just a cleanse.


oh yeah the moira change was abhorrent no doubt, I was just bringing up how it’s weird they brought up granting cleanse after all these years, and when nobody like that specific bonkers version of it, Blizz never brought it up again.

One idea that is perhaps silly but worth considering is making biotic grenade get canceled by another biotic grenade (friendly).

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This just means if the enemy picks Ana someone on your team is now forced to pick Ana as well.

There’s plenty of counterplay to nade already. Terrain, shields, bubbles, matrixes, deflect, wall, cleanse abilities like recall, translocate, fade, cryofreeze. It’s not this OP uncounterable ability that the forums make it out to be. And if the enemy doesn’t follow up on the nade, well then your supports have free ult charge.

nade should be countered by nade.

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shield, LoS, zarya bubble, bap imortality, sombra translocator. What you want is to cancel ability w/o effort, it is not counterplay, it is lazy way.


Which is what nade is. How many heal abilities and ults are cancelled by it?


Then try to abuse that, you will fail, got dived and punnished instantly. Don’t talk about you don’t know.

Strong ability has it’s purpose, imagine. Healing is not everything that supports you in game btw. Having healing in this game is kinda op by itself and requires counterplay, like anti-nade, oneshots, and burst damage in general.

2 of those 3 things you mentioned are frankly out of control and bad for the game, therefore the third is as well.


I think having more cleanse options than Zarya bubbles would be nice.


well, you asked about counterplay, now deal with it when it turns against you. Oneshots are healthy for any shooter, esp. with moba elements and healing. Otherwise this game will turns into something like easy bots messing other easy bots on point like it looks like when you launch custom match with bots.

-D.Va DM
-Sigma Grasp
-Zarya Bubble
-Sigma Shield
-Rein Shield
-Orisa Shield
-Winston Shield
-Bap Lamp
-Brig Rally armor
-Sym wall
-Lucio Beat
-Sombra hack
-Hammond shields
-Doom ult cleanses
-Echo ult cleanses
-Genji deflect
-Moira fade cleanses
-Mei block cleanses
-Reaper wraith cleanses

And you want more counterplay? Give me a break.

I would bet that you play a lot of Roadhog and don’t think you should ever be countered. Even if you do play a lot of Roadhog, Breather still grants the 2 seconds of 50% damage reduction if you do get anti’d.


How about no?

Just don’t get anti-naded. 5head
