Biologically impossible to win

i mean biologically impossible impossible to win
it is extremely low quality in terms of team play in this very game
there are no difference between silver and grandmaster
i have to headshot 100% accuracy and i can’t reach 100% headshot accuracy
please do something about premading boosting in low ranks


This is genetically false


It’s quantum-mechanically impossilbe, that such thread as this would ever exists in any layer of existence. Flip the bits and you still win with a certainty between 0% and 100%.


What the heck?
Miso confused.


Chemically impossible to not get it



What is it with everyone coping recently? It’s not hard to climb out of metal ranks. It’s your own lack of skill, nothing more.


I explained what OP attempted to a little more clearer. Has nothing to do with cope but low ranks inundated with smurfs.

Just saying, matchmaking based on time played is NOT a good idea. I have half your hours and I’ve been GM since S3. Hours aren’t indicative of skill at all.

As for smurfs…they rank up too fast to be a legitimate issue

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I promise that the regrettable number of hours Ive spent in Gold/Plat coupled with the insane amount of hours spent watching high level gameplay (Twitch/YT) puts me in a unique position. One that I call the “Seasoned Veteran and Unaccomplished General of Gold” and in part that title entails my experience at having an 80% accuracy rate with identifying smurfs in Gold games. I understand on a metaphysical level how Golds play the game.

They do rank up fast like you said but there are still many smurfs who derank on purpose, not to mention the never-ending stream of new smurfs who just made a new account to smurf on.

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But they stay low ranks on purpose on their alts. They all do it.

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Deranking is bannable.

ummm well you are entitled to an opinion, however wrong it may be

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Wait… Did they actually say there’s no difference between silver and GM.

I’m not sure there are words to convey how funny that is.

due to account boosting

All they do I throw a few games to fix their MMR. They know how to game the ranking more than the Dev’s know how it works.

We got tank players diving into enemy stack then pointing fingers at us like we are the vagabonds and threaten to report you because they cant comprehend there indolence. We shouldnt have to drive past warning signs unless we are obligated/forced too by intuition and immediate action. The only downside to that is having less window for peels, if tank and or supports does not kite with proper intent.

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Geriatrically speaking, I concur.

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Ovarian minds think alike


i mean biologically every game u lose, someone else wins.
U do realize u need to play better than the other team to win right?
if u think low ranks are bad just get gud and u wont be in them. fivehead.