Biggest ego boost, like EVER

Someone told me about this. Apparently, I’m the rank one Masters Tracer on PC, and I’m SUPER proud of that.


Wow nice! Congrats. I hope you can become the very worst grand master player tomorrow! That’s one spot up you can do it!


I’m getting there, dw!!


Let us know when you get there. I’m plat 1 with diamond 2 peak on jq/dva for tank and silver 1 on sombra for dps. After a winstreak yesterday I got a plat 4 game on sombra and won! So maybe I make it to gold then plat on sombra! I play her like an offtank hehe.

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Sure! I’ll just Whisper you lol

You know, we still have to play sometime. Maybe you can teach me some Dva tricks, and I’ll teach you some Tracer/Sombra ones?

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Youre in the one-trick zone. Tracer isn’t and hasn’t been getting a lot of play time in season 8. That’s why you’re not on the list at all unless you pick Tracer specifically and specifically in masters.

Still, keep cranking but I’d suggest you broaden that hero pool while youre in masters instead of trying to do it in gm

Nooooo! Let them be the greatest tracer ever! Leave them alone! :sob:

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i just want him to manage his expectations and also not ruin my games when / if he gets to gm. :laughing:

Not a one trick anymore. I’ll swap to Sojourn if Tracer doesn’t work, and I can play basic hitscans along with several other DPS. I can play most DPS at at least a mid-high Masters level. My Tracer is the only one I’d consider to be GM level though.

My expectations?

Also, I’m already matching into GM games. Most of my match averages are GM4, and I do fine.

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Hope youre right and good luck.

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Congrats on that.


Noice! Congrats!!! :clap::sweat_drops::clap:

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how is that calculated o_O

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No idea. I didn’t even know it was a thing until someone on Reddit told me


well its cool either way :smiley:


In what, open queue? Why is everyone gobbling this crap? You can open the leaderboard IN-GAME and there are tons of players far, far, far higher SR than Masters, playing many characters including Tracer.

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Are you good?

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Are you brain damaged?

Cool! Now, can you tell us the reason why kids enjoy the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

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So like what goes through your mind to post something like this on a post like this.

It would be like someone saying “wooo I got a 4.0!!!” and you saying “yeah well people got a 4.0 at harder universities and in grad school”

Like while you’re technically not making an incorrect statement you’re missing the point and dragging down the mood for no heckin reason.

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